Thursday, January 7, 2010

Honoring your inner child

The day started off great! I awoke to fresh fluffy white snow, my inner child became all bubbly, I decided right then I would play in the snow today. Then I received two very positive potentially life & career altering phone calls one which made my adult self humble and my inner child went wild! I decided to take all this energy and walk to my noon class, as I walked in the snow I found myself kicking through the snow, almost skipping and the corners of my mouth were frozen upward. I arrived at my class still giddy inside, the class was awesome it seemed to fly by. As I left, my inner child was ready to play so play we did!!

I dropped to the ground and began making my snow angles! It felt SO good I was laughing as was dude that took the picture…..Its funny how contagious laughter is, a women walked by and could not stop laughing as I played in the snow…..But the funniest thing was, two different men pulled over and jumped out of their cars thinking I had fallen to the ground and were coming to offer help, once they realized that I was intentionally down there, they began laughing hysterically! Oh what fun! I guess they were taken aback by this grown arse woman laid out on the ground making a snow angel. We all laughed in unison for about 30 seconds then I was up on my feet thanking the dudes for stopping and dude for taking the picture and off I went my adult and inner child both satisfied!

Creating inner peace begins with honoring your inner child, we often become adults and ignore the calling of our inner child, which is very unfortunate because, the inner child is the gateway to our channel to our higher self. I’ve grown to listen to my entire self and when the inner child wants to play, I honor that. Leaving me internally balanced and at peace……Go out and play with your inner child soon, it feels AMAZING!


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