Monday, May 23, 2011

Tri Stories: Ya see, what had happened Wuzzzz….

 Tri Stories: Ya see, what had happened Wuzzzz….

OK, so Friday morning I was full of energy, ready to go and get it in, but when I arrived at the gym, my body said, it’s ya birthday, go light…..sounds good to me I thought, then I proceeded to take “go light” to another level……Lol…..I did not run, I decided to solo spin, yea, um, sooooo I set the bike up, hop on and grab my Ipod, but instead of hitting music I began checking my mail & birthday wishes, and before I knew it, I was left with twenty minutes to get my cardio in……Oooops, granted I was peddling while checking mail & fb, but nothing that broke a sweat. I head up to the studio to get in a good personal yoga practice and meditation…..DAILY, I do yoga! Sometimes shorter than others, but I ALWAYS do something daily!!  Saturday rolls around too quick, I was still on “it’s my birthday”, so after teaching my last class I stayed and moved through a 90 minute personal practice followed by 30 min of hula hooping……no run, no spin…..birthday activities only!! Lol……AND that’s what had happened…….pinky swear…….tee-hee!

Trikonasana variation
 When I awoke today I was ready to GO!! After teaching my 07:00 class I sit for a nice meditation then moved into my personal practice, with my upcoming brick (spin & run ) in mind I do a lot of hamstring & quadriceps work as well as core, my inversion for the day head stand! I say the samething to anyone that ask me how is my training going….I know for a fact that without my yoga practice, there is NO WAY I’d be feeling this good! My practice has allowed me to stay mindfully aware of my mental, physical & spiritual needs during this training…..I know day’s that I’ve taken off because of fatigue, were directly related to mindful awareness instead of ego driven thoughts…..Ego say’s train, train, train, at all cost….mindfulness allows me to honor what my body needs, I know when to pull back & why, I've  said it from the beginning, it’s my intention to train and complete this tri injury free, ego free, just FREE!! I find that people underestimate the actual HEALTH & WELLNESS benefits YOGA has to offer……I’m tryin’ to tell y’all, it’s some good stuff……Really, it is!

Trikonasana variation
I make my way down to change into my spin gear feelin’ good…..Pablo was meetin’ me in the studio, I NEVER spin in the front row NEVER!! But Pablo’s message asked me to get us bikes up front…….No prob, I take the first bike and Pablo hops on a few minutes later to my right……..class was full today, I was glad I’d decided to spin up front, ‘cause some *newbie*,  lol, had the nerve to be on my reg spin bike….Lol…..Heather was not playin’ today, seated climbs were in full force she threw in some jumps and *The Beastie Boys*! Yup, on and poppin’, class was on and POPPIN’! To my left was a regular spinner, I’ve mentioned her before, she also runs near me at times on the treadmill…..well, I’ve always considered her to be a awesome spinner & runner, well, until I ran next to her one day…..Anywhoo, I figure if I could keep up with her spin then I was doin’ something……Now here’s my **DISCLAIMER; I’m really not competitive** that being said  I KILLED her!!! Lol…..Girlfriend was lookin’ at me like “don’t come up here next week” Lol…..Like I said when I do ANYTHING, I give it my ALL……..So if you bring your A game, I’m rollin’ out my A+ +……GROWTH…..Lol….But really, it makes me push a bit harder, reach a bit deeper…….Her gaspin’ and lookin’ at me like I’m nuts….well, that’s just icing……Lol….…Spin class was AWESOME, good work out! I mention to Pablo I NEVER sit up front, He looks at me and say’s “that’s where you belong”…….I like that.......I like that a lot.....I’m going to sit up front from now on, let the newbie’s get the hang of thangs in the back……GROWTH!

Trikonasana variation

Pablo and I meet at the treadmill to get our run on!! We agree three miles it is, I know from the gate Pablo is going to finish wayyyyy before me, I think dude runs 6 min miles or something crazy like that…..Lol…..We share a few small words as we set up once the Ipod’s were in place……SILENCE…….We RUN!! I’m feeling good, running off our combined energies…..Of course Pablo finishes before me, I had a mile left, I say that to him, his response “I got you”, and proceeds to support me thru my last mile…..near the end Pablo recommends I crank it up a bit, I increase to 11:14 min/mile then near the very end I crank it up to my goal of 10:00 min/mile!!! Feelin' STRONG on the finish…..YEA BABY!!!!! Pablo & I fist bump chat a bit then we’re OUT!  Awesome way to get back into it....Thanks Pablo!


Peace, Love & I'm back on track,

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