Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tri Stories: Spin, Bike & Walk......FOCUS!

Tri Stories: Spin, Bike & Walk......FOCUS!

I had a pretty busy day lined up today……I slept in a bit, then sit for meditation & yoga then headed out to my spin class……The weather was petty nice, bright sunshine in Chi-city today, minus the wind chill…..still a bit…..Brrrrrr, for May, but nice all the same. I decided to ride my bike to the gym, I didn’t check the weather before leaving, I put on some long shorts over my spin shorts, grabbed a hoodie and put it over spin tank and I was out……..I’m still not wearing my spin shoes on my bike, I need to handle that......really………soon…….Anywhoo, I hopped on my bike began peddling and…..OoooooWeeeee, it wa’ COLD…..wind ripping cold, I had no choice but to keep it movin’ no turning back, class was starting in a few.

Spin class was good worked up a nice sweat, hamstrings and quadriceps are happy! I had a tight schedule today so immediately after spin I had to make a run for the door…..no steam bath today…….Now you know I never miss my steam bath, really no time today! Instead I peddle to my destination………We’ve been having a lot of rain in Chi-city, so I decided to walk the four miles to my last class, I power walk to and from class……..

Know, Speak & Live your DREAMS!!

OK, so, truth is........ last night I began to fall asleep while blogging, tee-hee…..so I pick up HERE today (Wednesday)…….Today being my official training day off ( I still get some type of exercise in), I sit for meditation and move into a nice upper body and core yoga practice, my inversion of choice; shoulder stand, I really needed this queen of all asanas today!! This week has me on GO, I’m not complain'……long ago someone said to me, “know how to articulate your goals and dreams ON THE SPOT, the who, what, when & how“…….Boy, oh boy, I’m always thankful for that bit of education, especially at times like this…….Great things happenin’ right now, great things indeed!  I don’t want to miss the enjoyment of it all, so knowing what I want and how to ask for it has proven to be a big ol’ plus for me!!! I was able to get some cardio work  in today, after my yoga practice I hula hooped for 60 minutes……LOVESIT!!

I'm VERY excited about this conference!!

Training for Thursday-Saturday is going to be tricky........I’ve sooo much to do, including  finalizing my presentation for The American Holistic Nurses Association conference next week.......hummm…...thinking…….still thinking…….hummm, looks like Sunday may be a training day……Chi-city weather is supposed to get nice, I’ll aim for a long ride……yea, that sounds like a plan………Oh, I have some , really great swimming news......today, I caught up with one of the swim instructors that EVERYONE has been recommending to me *Antoine*, I fill him in on my uh, SITUATION, Lol……He was such a sweetheart, invited me to his swim classes then even offered up some one on one time……YEAH!! “No problem” he said “we’ll have you ready for race day”………Yayyyyy!!! Again, I asked the universe for what I needed, I put the time, action & dedication to my desires and POOF here is some much needed professional swim help!! I’M FOCUSED Y’ALL…..FOCUSED I SAY!!!

Peace, Love & Focus

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