Monday, March 29, 2010



~ The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness ~ Lao Tzu~

Ooooh this living my yoga journey is full of exciting surprises!!! The deeper into self I go the greater the pleasure……Lately awareness has been my thing, not just self awareness but conscious awareness to all that is around me. After I committed to doing the 29 day gift challenge, I immediately thought Oh my! I need to plan for this, I need some prep time, I mean I just can’t start this cold……..can I!?!

Last week I decided to become aware, I mean fully aware of all my interactions with people. I received so many small gifts and gave a few away myself, I began to notice that daily we give and receive meaningful gifts without awareness…It may be a smile given to a stranger who is having a bad day, the parent you hold the door for as s/he struggles with a kid in a stroller and one walking….lagging….behind, or the cup of tea you buy for the person behind you in line, just because. I also noticed myself and others moving without awareness…..letting that door slip from your hand without looking back to see if anyone is behind you…..tapping your foot with impatience as the person in front of you franticly searches for the money they’re short, on the grocery bill….the hurry it up look given to someone walking slowly in front of you…..I began to think, if we all become a bit more aware of life, and our actions in the moment, patience, peace & love, world wide would sure to follow. Well I’m gonna do my part!

I’ve been journal writing everyday since I decide this is what I wanted to do, and have been completely enjoying it.! There is something so meditative in the feeling of the pen and paper making contact and the outcome is your inner most thoughts and feelings……I remember not to long ago feeling really intimidated by the words coming out, like I was saying to much, giving up to much of the truth. What I have come to realize is writing allows me freedom!! I find myself getting lost in the flow, and allowing my true expression to be released. It allows me not become overwhelmed with thoughts or emotions, locking up parts of the mind, body and soul…..I like this newfound feeling of release, because walking around with matter how big, or small, it’s still stuff.....and to much of anything will begin to take a toll on a person, slowing you down, creating space for fear and negativity to creep in and fester in your being.

So, did I need to prepare for the 29 day give….....Yes, I needed the time to get in touch with my lack of conscious  awareness to the small stuff, you know the saying “Don‘t sweat the small stuff“  WELL, you don‘t need to sweat it, BUT you must remember it exist, because it‘s that small stuff that usually turns out to be the most authentic & enlightening stuff! I also wanted to let go of  a few self imposed obsticals, that were sure to guide me to failure. I will admitt there is one thing  I’m desiring out of this 29 day give.....It’s to deepen my growth in living my yoga, by loving, living and giving from a place of complete conscious AWARENESS!

I’m half way through my April read!! ~Writing Down the Bones~ by Natalie Goldberg. This book has inspired me to let go and write, write, write!!

Peace & Awareness

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