Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tri Stories: Feelin' GREAT!! 

Tri Stories: Feelin' GREAT!! 
Feelin' GREAT!

I awoke this morning feeling great, not exactly 100% but 98% for sure! I was looking forward to spin class. I moved into a very short practice, as I was a bit pressed for time……that sleep was GOOD….Lol!! I end up arriving to class five minutes late…..Arrgghhh! I really don’t like being late, but like I said I was at 98% …no balance…

I rush into the locker room, change into my spin gear and hustle to class…….”Hey Toni” Julie says as I walk in, I throw up the peace sign and a smile…..My fave bikes were taken, and class was pretty full so I ended up near the front, I usually spin closer to the back, but I was late and there was no time to be picky…..I set up and join in! This class was exactly what I needed, at one point while running on a hill, I felt my normal level of strength kick in,……without all the fatigue……I felt GOOD!! The ride was STRONG, really just what I needed!! Like I said he class was full, there were good vibes everywhere, during one recovery break I glanced around the studio and share smiles and waves with a few of the regular spinners, I like that……lovely group of peeps, who meet up weekly to stay healthy! Yes, I like this A LOT! After class I hit the steam bath…..Ahhhhhh, justAhhhhhhh!! I head off to teach my noon class…..

East meets West

After class I flow through another short practice & meditation…..then I hula hooped for 20 minutes, still feeling good, not great, but good…….My massage was at 3:00, I hop on my bike and peddle over……GOSH, I really needed this massage….as my therapist worked on me I literally needed a box of Kleenex, Lol….I know kinda gross, but OMG, it felt AMAZING to literally feel the body work break down the toxins……AMAZING……I was feelin’ better by the second!! Yes, this was the final touch, I rode my bike home feeling GREAT.....100% GREAT……Let me tell ya, there is NOTHING better than body work, preventative care at it’s best, no drugs required, cost much less annually than health insurance premiums…….justsayin’, if peeps took better preventative health measures, maybe the cost of insurance wouldn’t be so high…….Not to mention, it allows you to become completely in tuned with yourself, mind, body & spirit…….justsayin’.

Peace, Health & Wellness




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