Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tri Stories: Resting…..

Peace & Grounding
Tri Stories: Resting…..

Very short post tonight…….My body is requiring rest, I’m feeling well, just left over sniffles and a bit tired, also I’ve been reflecting a lot this week…..always happens when another year of life approaches……It has left me in a soft detachment from all of life’s activities, responding to only the things I cannot avoid…..nothing extra……..I love reflecting, a nice peace sets in as I let go……. it’s necessary for growth!

Yesterday I did a brick, that was my first time doing a brick back to back….I felt amazing afterwards, spin class and three mile run followed up by steam bath……I had a bunch of work to finish up then I slept until my evening class, after class I came home and went to BED!! Up and movin’ this morning, I head off for my first class…..then I sit for meditation, followed by 30 minutes of breathing exercises finishing up with a personal yoga practice consisting of asanas to help me drain, twist and expand.  Then I hula hooped for 45 minutes, my body really appreciated the massage the hula hoop provided to my vital organs…..I’m all about healing my self naturally, no drugs……healthy food, low impact exercise and of course yoga and meditation!!
Restorative Yoga

I’m finally home after a LONG day……Gonna make a spinach salad, read a bit and hit the sack!!! I have a massage scheduled for tomorrow!!! Yayyyyy, I’m soooo looking forward to it, final touch on helping me rid these toxins…….

Peace, Rest & Health


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