Monday, May 16, 2011

Tri Stories: COLD!! Brrrrrrrr….

This week!!
 Tri Stories: COLD!! Brrrrrrrr….

I think this weather is tryin’ to catch up to me!! I’ve got to keep a few steps ahead…Lol. I really can’t recall the last time I’ve been sick…..I mean that DOWN & OUT sick, ya know, the kind of sick where your body sayin', “YA KNOW YA JUST LIVIN’ WRONG!…Lol.......Yea, I know I’ve known it….but it's been YEARS.......So the temps dipped in to the THIRITY’S in Chi-city  last night……Umm, BRRRRRrrrrrr….I mean, I’ve said all the peaceful words I can in regards to the weather, but this is CRAZY!! Now I can feel a bug tryin’ to enter my body, NOPE, I'm not havin' it...…..Honey & Lemon tea at least three times a day, I’ve upped my zinc intake, and I've been taking naps when the body ask…time permitting.......Naps are healthy for ya!!

Up and out by 06:30.….No meditation, no yoga, I make a cup of tea, pop a couple of zinc then I’m OUT!. Gosh it was cold as I headed into the bike room, I was determined to ride my bike today…..I dressed for the temps so as soon as I let go of the attachment to the cold I was good to go….After teaching my class I moved meditation then my yoga practice…..I was planning on spinning and running today, that was my plan Sunday night…..I awoke with a scratchy throat this morning, I was not really surprised as I was feeling a bit meh, all day Sunday….As I laid in savasana, I really wanted to cut out the run out of training today, I began to reason with myself, “run tomorrow” I said, as I was heading down to change into my spin gear, still undecided….Heather was back and the class was great, the deeper we got into the class the better I began to feel, I was still tired but not feeling all scratchy throat and weak. Second wind kicked in and as I wiped down my bike after class I knew I was going to run, I change from my spin shoes to my runnin’ kicks then I hit the treadmill…..I was feeling good, actually, I was feeling great as I began my run, over the weekend I downloaded some new tunes to my Ipod, created a running play list that kept me energized!! I didn’t want to push it so I ran three miles, I did run at a bit faster pace near the end just to see if I could….I did, I like that because if I can run at that pace feeling blah, it’s kinda like proof that I can do it when feelin’’ 100%……Gotta, challenge yourself sometimes…...Brick DONE!!

CTA....The L

Of course I rounded things out in the steam bath…..It felt soooooo good!! As I exit the gym and hop on my bike, the wind kicked right in…crap, I think as I peddle against the wind…..crap, crap, crap!!! Once home more tea and a bowel of oatmeal…..I only had about three hours before heading back out, I needed to make a few calls and get out some emails……I took a quick nap before leaving. I decided I was not getting back on the bike today I was still chilled from earlier, so cta was my friend today…..Lol….I’m supposed to swim tomorrow, but I think I’m cancelling swimming for this week…….In in out of these unstable temps with wet hair & damp skin......NOT good. It’s my birthday week and I’m really not tryin’ to be sick!! Nawwww, I LOVE, love, love my birthday! And I sure don’t want to feel blah, crappy, or meh on my birthday…..I wanna feel ENERGIZED……Soooooo swimming CANCELLED, this week!! I’m planning on spinning’ and running again tomorrow.

Birthday festivities have began!!! Chilled at the Tasting Room with two lovely friends, Christine & Emily…..Christine and I share the same birthday, so we kicked off this evening after class!! Great peeps, great food, great wine!!

Peace, Love & Full Moon Cycle

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