Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tri Stories: Namaste

Tri Stories: Namaste


What a day……..Things began well, I was up a 07:15, feeling rested and excited about the day ahead of me……I sit in meditation then move into my yoga practice, my shoulders were a bit tight so I moved into some postures to help open up the shoulders, chest & heart……feeling good I add in a bit of hip openers and then spend quite a bit of time with inversions…..Inversions always leave me feeling energized, confidant & strong… I’m ready to take on anything that comes my way (thank GOD for Yoga) After practice I head out to my spinning class.

Julie! I sooo love her classes, the energy, smile and FUN she brings is very contagious…..I leave her class feeling wonderful every week without fail! Julie, put together a high endurance ride today, we did A LOT of sprints, runs on a hills & flat road combos, and jumps….One of the sprint cycles = four minutes of consistent sprints with 30-10 second rest, I must admit I was working it out with much awareness to my entire body, I think all the intense spinning classes have helped me!! As we began standing runs I was happy with my alignment and core engagement, I worked up a nice sweat and my heart rate was exactly where it should’ve been… all the makings for a FAB ride!….Julie’s music was on point as usual, her trivia question was a song from the movie *Singles* (I never heard of it)…..I guess no one else in class did either, as the question went unanswered…..Lol…..We all laughed at the fact no one had a clue what she was talking about….Lol…..Julie laughed as well……..This spin was exactly what I needed this morning, gettin’ my heart rate up (great cardio work) connecting to my breath, and engaging my core at this fast pace was nice and challenging…….Lovesit!! After class I head into Steam bath…….Laying there I think about my event for the March Of Dimes and I begin to smile within’…….Excited to be around my colleagues today, sharing my passion with them, hopefully inspiring them to practice on a regular bases…..I stayed in there much longer than intended…..Ooops! So….a quick shower and I’m off to teach my class, feeling refreshed and strong!

I was scheduled to began teaching at 16:30.……..Back in 2007, I decided to sell my vehicle and ride my bike from mid March thru November (weather permitting)…..Many things lead me to that decision…..I live in the city, and have easy accesses to everything, parking was costing me $220/month and I was driving MAYBE twice a month…..Do, the math…..I was losing out! Also, I want to do my part to help the environment anyway I can, and rollin’ around in a SUV, was not helping, not to mention the price of  gas went up to $3.75/gallon!

My Ride!

I began to think about all that, as well as the health benefits of peddling or walking compared to hopping in a vehicle to go .5 mile……Best decision I ever made, in regards to transportation! I signed up for car sharing services with, Igo Cars (Google it), in 2008.….I used the services once between 2208-2010, great example of the lack of my need of a car……Anywhoo, the first time I used Igo was last April…..things went smooth and I was pleased with the services……This time…….let me breathe……..inhale…..exhale……OK, I don’t believe in putting a company on BLAST unless they really deserve it……..inhale…….exhale……so I will refrain! Short story, my reservation was for 15:30 and my car did not show up until 16:15.…….inhale……..exhale ( this was a struggle at this point!)……I find out an employee, decided to take the car at my reserved time……"Breath Toni, breath", I kept saying within as I stand in the empty lot, on the phone with the manager of Igo……He is the only reason I will not put them on full blast……..Needless to say that left me calling my contact at March of Dimes and explaining my sure to be late arrival…….inhale……exhale……OK, if you know me well, you know I take GREAT PRIDE in my WORK! Especially, YOGATONES contracts……so to say the breathing was helping me, is NOT a true statement! I even said to the manager “I’m going to refrain from sayin’ anything else to you because all I have are unpleasant words, and I don’t want to go there” I continued, “so, I’m going to need Igo to rectify this problem ASAP” AND “make me a happy customer…..PERIOD”………..Dude, was nice and helpful as he could be, but March of Dimes not tryin’ to hear that, and neither was I………..The car arrives LATE, I pack the car with my supplies and I head to the event…….Oh, I was informed I would NOT be charged for this reservation…..ONLY REASON, why I will not give y’all the full scoopity, scoop!!! BUT, let’s just say I have two more reservation coming up with them……Hummm, tomorrow I will be CANCELING those reservations and going with Zip-Cars……..Don’t play with my business…..NOPE, don’t do it!


As soon as I walked into the event all was forgotten…….WOW, just WOW! Is all I can say about being around so many nurses, sharing my journey from beside nursing to yoga and wellness with them……..I felt the love the moment I walked in! Beautiful group of professionals, all ready to get there yoga on with Yogatones…..NICE….Walking, around and giving adjustments, took me down memory lane…….remembering how the long crazy shifts left me completely exhausted, coupled with the experience of being a NICU & ER nurse……the trauma and devastation that I absorbed daily……taking home things that I could not discuss with family, friends, lover….the mental and emotional fatigue I carried within’ for 15 yrs, leading me into a career change…….It was oh, so real as I looked into the faces of my colleagues…….I wanna help……Nurses, need to receive some of the TLC that we give out, it’s only natural…..No one can give, and give and give without receiving some TLC back…..No one should have to endure that for the duration of their career…..No ONE! I personalized the event with my experiences and here was a common bond that we shared, I could see and feel it in the room……..

After practice, many approached me for more information, and invites…….This was one of my BEST teaching experiences EVER!……..I had to take a moment as they laid in savasana….scanning the room taking a good look at my colleagues, the majority in my age group, in my field of work (NICU, ER, PICU, L&D), the world of taking care of new fragile lives, all the way through high school age………I said a prayer for them silently…….as I held back tears…….We must start taking care of our nurses! We must! It’s my personal mission! Hugs, well wishes, exchanged business cards were shared by all……making my way back to the car, I feel peace within wash over me……I think to myself “I’ve only just begun”…….I crank up the tunes take a deep breath and cruise back into the city, feeling BLESSED and confidant in the decisions I’ve made in regards to my career change………Today was for sure one of those day’s that confirmed, dreams do come true…….Such a emotional day on so many levels……..Thank you to my dear colleague Jo-A, for believing in me, blessing me with this amazing opportunity! Thank you March Of Dimes!……….NAMASTE……..

Peace, Love & Blessings, Y'all



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