My Marathon medal |
From Marathon to Triathlon
(In eight years)
In 2002 while living in Boston down in the Back Bay close to the Charles River, I began running…..It’s not a that simple though, you see I really disliked living in Boston, part of it was me and the other was the general environment. Boston was the first place I experienced blatant racism, from the hospitals I worked in, to the neighborhood I lived in……I was called a nigger to my face more than once. Back then I walked around with a short fuse and quick response, so needless to say I did battle with many before I realized how pointless it was, I was out numbered, especially in the hospitals I worked in and I was a visitor who was quickly wearing out her welcome, so I took up running to let go of the aggression and pain that was building up within.
I started running slowly everyday…..I was smoking at least a half pack of cigarettes at that time and actually used them as my reward post run……My weight was at 191 lbs solid! I ran daily followed by my smokes and poor food choices. I began to notice after each run I would feel emotionally better within and able to deal with my twelve hour night shifts at Boston Children’s Hospital New Born Intensive Care Unit (NBICU)……I loved being a NBICU nurse but I dreaded going into work at this hospital, and as a contracted nurse I could not walk away, I had to find a way to make the situation work. Running and smoking did that for me, I would run and let the tears fall down my eyes counting down the day’s until this assignment would come to a end.
Arriving in Chicago in 2003 I began to really enjoy running, and everyone in Old Town (where I lived) seemed to be into physical fitness it became the inspiration I needed to keep running. I signed up for the Chicago Marathon , and the training began. I ran, smoked and ate poorly, my weight stayed between 180-190 lbs (poor eating habits) and I began to acquire injuries.....Knees, back, feet…..but I kept running. I ended up in my Dr. office two weeks before the marathon for the injuries to my feet….My podiatrist recommended I not run the marathon……GASP!…..I sat in that office and cried like a kid, then before leaving I informed my doctor that I would be running the marathon and I’d come see him once it’s completed……..I ran the marathon!
It took me five and a half hours to complete the marathon…..I almost gave up but with the loving support of my family and friends who came in from Connecticut to support me (especially my brother in law Michael who ran the last eight miles with me), giving me words of encouragement the entire time ,I finished the marathon and received my medal. I was so overwhelmed with that accomplishment that it took me just about six months to realize that I was completely unprepared, I became physically sick after the marathon and it took my body one year to completely heal and it took my mind about six months more to realize just how REALLY unprepared I was for that marathon……I ran with less than a year of training ( not formal just what I decided to do), chain smoking and over weight….I was an accident waiting to happen. All of the elation I felt right after was gone and I became upset with myself for the lack of training I had given myself and now the numerous injuries I had obtained. I was very new to yoga at this time, I’d only began practicing when I moved to Chicago to help compliment my marathon training……with no real knowledge of all the benefits that my yoga practice could provide, I never linked the two together I ran, then did yoga because I was running, without any awareness. And my mind, body and spirit responded very negatively….I vowed to never run again after completing that marathon and up until TODAY I’ve stuck to that vow.
2004 I took up bike riding, it had been just about a half year after completing the marathon and I was feeling the desire to get back out there. I lived really close to the lake and missed running down by the water, so for my birthday I purchased myself a bright red bicycle and began to ride up and down the lake front. I immediately knew this was the activity for me, and before I knew it biking be came my mode of transportation around the city. I sold my car and never looked back.
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Me and my ride |
I love self challenges….by the end of 2004 I began thinking about the possibility of completing a triathlon, but quickly told myself that I would never be able to complete a tri…..I came up with many excuses for myself and even used harsh word just to make sure I really got rid of any sign of self confidence that may suggest I could complete the tri…..Instead I got deeper and deeper into my biking and yoga practice…….but the thought of completing a tri was always in the back of my mind. By 2007 the feelings reappeared and I looked into completing the Danskin women’s triathlon, but fear and insecurity kept me away…..Daily I checked the registration page, but that was it, I let the registration date pass and removed the idea from my mind. I told myself I was to old, to out of shape, I reminded myself of my near drowning experience in Mexico and my one year recovery from the marathon and the fact that running and swimming are major parts of a tri, I could not possibly complete one.
Fast Forward August 2010.…..Triathlon thoughts come back to the forefront, I know the biking is not a problem, and maybe I can get me another swim coach (tried one out in 2005...DISASTER! ), and maybe just maybe I can do this triathlon that my heart and now soul truly wants to complete. Then Pablo (student turned friend) and I were talking one day after class (he is a true athlete!) He’s completed triathlons, marathons and all types of cycling events and I find him to be very inspirational…..…He began taking my classes regularly and I casually mentioned to him in one of our conversations “ya know, I really want to do a triathlon”. “Why don’t you he asked?” “oh, I can’t swim well and I’m a awful runner” I responded. Pablo looked me dead in the eyes and said “train for it properly” ( I shared my poor marathon training story with him )…..He said it like it was elementary…."Just train properly"…..I mentioned again my lack of swimming skills and my near drowning experience and love/hate (all fear induced) relationship with being in such a large body of water such as Lake Michigan (where the swimming portion of the tri will take place) Pablo offered to help me with the swimming, "wow no excuses" I thought to myself, not to mention the fact that Pablo did not seem surprised or shocked that I wanted to complete a tri. He said “your in good shape “ just train and be committed to the training. That day in August I started to think seriously about participating.
By November I was 100 % sure I would participate in the Chicago 2011 Triathlon August 27th …..Though I will be doing the tri-sprint (not the full tri) I’m excited and look forward to the process and the training. I’ve let go of the harsh words that I was feeding myself about running and swimming, and along with Pablo another student of mine John ( another tri athlete ) has offered to help me with the swimming. All cards are falling into place I think to myself “I can do this” …….The tri-sprint consist of ; 375 meter Swim….10K Bike ride……and 2.5 K Run. I began mentally training in November and officially began my physical training December 28th 2010.…….I started off adding spinning classes into my regular fitness regimen , and today I added running, next week I will add in the swimming.
My Gear |
I’m very excited about the process, training and completing the marathon….I look forward to the up’s and downs the training will surely bring me, as it will challenge me mentally, physically and emotionally. Today I ran at a slow pace 13:20min/ mile, I ran three miles… first I was feeling a little disappointed at my pace but I gently reminded my self that its been seven years since I’ve ran AND that even though I’m at such a slow pace, I’m better than my marathon pace of 15:00min/mile! So fitness wise I’m in better shape!! (my goal is to be at 10:00min/ mile by tri time). Not to mention I gave up those nasty cigarettes after my 2003 marathon (yup, just put them down one day & never looked back), I know my yoga practice played a major role in me putting down the cigs…..I’m going to document my tri-training experience, because looking back I have no records of my marathon training and feel like that played a major role in the outcome. I really want to train for this tri with complete respect for the training process but more importantly with complete respect for myself mind, body and spirit.
As much as I’m doing this for myself, I’m also committing myself to doing it for something more……While running today the perfect cause came to mind, I will share with all once I speak with the appropriate people and get things finalized, but as many know my heart lies with the youth and I really believe we all can do little things to make the quality of life better for our children, I choose to support the small less well known community groups as I feel they are always last to receive preventative health education and the benefits that preventative health and wellness can provide….. I’ve committed long ago to get involved and give to the less fortunate communities where the children often lack the simple knowledge to help keep themselves healthy and active.
I look forward to sharing my tri-journey stories with you and hope that you will give your support and donations to Yogatones Tri- for the children fund…..Again I will provide more details on the organization I will be raising money for when I have it……..I thank you in advance!
My laughing Buddha |
In Peace & Health for all Children
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