Monday, February 15, 2010

Opening the heart and letting go……

When the reflections in my mind have overwhelmed my body, I turn to my yoga practice, to reunite my mind, body, and spirit ~Yogatones~

After some good ol’ reflection, begins the process of opening the heart and letting go of all that is no longer necessary for me……In some instances that’s easy, in others its extremely difficult. I’ve become much more aware on how difficult it is for me to let go within sometimes….on the surface I‘m good, but within I tuck and store hoping to never revisit things …for,good….bad….indifferent. When I open myself up to reflection I’m not always prepared for what will come up, there are the things that I welcome, things I wish would come back another time and things that take me by surprise….In those moments, I let this quote gently cross my mind;

If you reflect within yourself and find nothing to be ashamed of, how could you have anxiety or fear. ~Confucius~

My personal practice takes over and guides me through my reflections, this time I become stuck! I mean really stuck! Something came up, not big just “something“, something I thought was a “get over it” moment…..When in actuality it was the one thing to stop me dead in my practice, shut down my process of reflection. I know it will take combination of heart & hip opening sequences to help me open up and let go. I begin with some meditation, and deep breathing exercises to help calm the mind chatter, followed by asana practice…..a couple of day’s later, I’m still feeling tight, shoulders are achy, hips and knees are tight, and in the back of my mind, that “something” is still hanging on loud and clear……Arrrrggghhhh!!!!

I tend to take things in and just put them far away, especially hurtful things, and traumatic emotional attachment… I would like to believe…But I’ve become very aware of how my outer self reacts to my holding things within… sleep becomes erratic, my energy level gets low and my Woot , wooots!! become woo, woo, woo‘s……As I continue this journey to live my yoga, and learn m more about myself, I know its not who I want to continue to be, its not how I want to handle my relationships with others, family, significant other, friends. Its my goal to strengthen these relationships, being open and honest in the moment, also mindful and selective of who I share my life, space, and time with, forming true lasting healthy relationships.

Each day as I begin my practice, I scan my body within and follow my breath allowing it to scan every being of me……then I begin….I move into meditation and gounding, followed by sun salutations……So, Sunday was no different, except I approached the mat feeling ready to just let go!

One-Legged King Pigeon - ( Eka Pada Rajakapotasana ).......

Is one of my FAVORITE poses! Its like, my all in one pose, opens the hips, heart, chest, and shoulders….I love it….it’s the pose that taught me about using my breath to create space in my body and allowed me to feel the release of emotions, tightness and tension in the entire body…..This is how I realized just how stubborn I can be, and this is the pose that reminds me that being stubborn is not always necessary….Lol….. Friday and Saturday’s practice I began working towards opening up to One Leg King Pigeon…..all that I was holding onto was taking its time to release, and my EGO did not like this , so Friday as my ego took over, my body shut down…practice over…lesson learned, NEVER force the body into a pose.….On Saturday I left my ego at the door as I stepped on the mat and moved through my practice, I create enough space to move into Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Prep Version), this was enough for today, I allowed my self to open without aggression or force, I found my edge took a few breaths over and then let it go…..until tomorrow I say to myself……Sunday, I let go and become grounded with my breath, enjoying my flow of practice….As I entered the One Leg King Pigeon….Ahhhh, was the first response as I reached back for my left foot, I could feel my rib cage lifting within on the inhalation, I could feel the release of that “something” I’d been holding onto as I reached my right hand back and let my head release back on the exhalation, opening my energy channels (Chakras) …..Good stuff!!

I move through this asana ( pose ), and a few others before moving into my final pose Savasana…..Lying in savasana as I let go of any attachment to my practice, I notice immediately, that “something” is gone, long gone and my heart is lighter……..I’m enjoying this journey, the realizations are often overwhelming, but healing….


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