Monday, April 18, 2011

Tri Stories: Monday, Monday…….

Head Stand (Sirasana)

Tri Stories: Monday, Monday…….

OoooooWeeeee Mother Nature! I know you got this weather thang, but….REALLY, SNOW…….breathe……So I’m up at 05:30, head to the window and BAM! SNOW……inhale…….exhale……”I will embrace this weather” is what I say. I bundle up grab my bag and I’m off to teach my 07:00 class. After class I sit for meditation followed by my personal practice. Since I began spinning with my new spinners, muscles in my legs have been responding………muscles I forgot existed….Lol… I move into a complete lower body sequence, which included Cow Face (Gomukhasana), Staff Pose (Dandasana), Heron (Krounchasana), Head of knee (Janu sirasana), Open Angle (Upavistha Konasana) Garland (Malasana), Splits (Hanumanasana), Pigeon (Eka Pada), all with variations and holding, 1-3 minutes…….Ahhhhhh, my body was happy, happy after that sequence…….My inversion of choice, Head Stand (Sirasana) I hold this for 12 minutes(adding variations)…..Yummers!!

Head Stand (Sirasana)
 As I planned my training schedule today I kept in mind that tomorrow is a CrAzY busy day, I’ll be driving out to the suburbs to participate in the nursing career fair, which runs from 8:30-3:00, add in travel time, it leaves me with just enough time to head off to my evening classes. So I decided to spin and run…..well, that was my plan.> I head down to Heathers spin class only to find out no Heather today….Grrrr….I was not interested in taking her subs class, been there once before and menolike, so I decide to run and swim (thankful I always pack for everything)……I felt mentally lazy this morning, so it was a blessing to me that spin was not going to happen……On the treadmill I get a slow start, my physical body was feeling great and ready to RUN, I had to take a min or two, to allow my mental body to get in the groove. Once in the groove it was on and poppin’! I ran 60 solid minutes and the last five I cranked up the pace, just to make up for the slow start……SOAKED, I head down to the locker room to change into my swim gear.

Wow, this was my second time using the pool boy correctly, and my upper body was feelin’ it!! ILOVEIT! Swimming is such a upper body work out, I look forward to getting stronger in the water, because I absolutely enjoy swimming, absolutely……I began with my kicking drills, followed by back & breast stroke, and finishing things up with lap swims. Whew, I was able to swim end to end a couple of times touch the wall and turn around without a break…..Whew….I was winded….Lol….well I was. I remained focused though and each time I wanted to give in and take a break, I told myself “NO, keep it movin’”, no time for breaks, there will be no breaks in Lake Michigan!!! It's time I use my breaks in the pool when necessary, not out of laziness or habit…….realizing how much work I need to get done on my strokes, motivates me, I need to build endurance and strength in the pool, with just about four months before my triathlon every swim I must stay FOCUSED!!

Eka pada with a nice quad stretch & back bend variation

Sixty minutes later I exit the pool…..When I change out of my running gear, I noticed my skin was a bit itchy, I ignored it, but when I got out of the pool I could clearly see the hives all over my legs and chest…..Ugggghhhhh! I get in the hot tube as a attempt to even out my body temp, no luck, it felt like my skin was on fire, so I was in and out with a quickness……I carry benadryl with me for my hive moments, but I push it to the bitter end before I take one. I shower off the chlorine from my body and hair, then I head into the steam room… benadryl!! In the steam room my skin began to chill out, and as I lay there day dreaming, my hives went back where they came from….Yayyyy!!! I tell ya skin sensitivities are something else, but it could be worse………After my steam bath I hit the showers once more to wash off all that I released in the steam bath , then I head home to finalize my presentation for tomorrow!!

Oh, I ran into one of my massage therapist buddies, and I’m back on for a massage, my time only permits next Monday, so next Monday it is……I’m so blessed to have massage therapist as friends, little yoga for a massage……LOVELY!

Open Angle (Upavistha Konasana)

Well I’m SUPER EXCITED about my presentation tomorrow!! Feeling blessed that they’ve asked me back this year, and looking forward to being around my nursing colleagues and sharing yoga health & wellness with them!!

My 2010 presentation @ Nursing Career Fair
this year "Every Breath You Take"
Peace, Love & NURSES Y'all



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