Tri Stories: When the Body speaks…..
Whew, what a week of work & training!! This has been a burning the candle on both ends week for me….I’ve been so wrapped up in training, business appointments and meeting deadlines that I put the subtle request from my internal self on the back burner….NOT GOOD! As usual when I neglect the gentle request of my body, things began to catch up and turn into a big ol’ mess……Last eve I settled into bed after 1:00 am and was up by 05:45.…..sigh……I know better, but the week just started off fast and I had no time to stop and rest properly, truth I did not make time……Sometimes when I’m on GO the rush is so intense that rest, and sleep only cross my mind as a last resort…..I know this sounds ridiculous but it’s my truth…….WIDE awake at 05:30 this morning (15 min ahead of time) I men WIDE awake, with that Let’s Go, Let’s Go energy seeping out of me. I move through my personal practice, pack my gym bag head out the door enrouteto my 07:30 class……..I can always tell when I’m operating on scattered energy, I become extra hyper, racing around like I have a IV of caffeine running through my veins, my mind processing thoughts at a rapid fire pace……I know in these moments that the come down is going to be HARSH……nevertheless I keep movin’.
I sat on that spin bike for 5 minutes after I stopped, trying to bring it all together……I’m able to slip in a gentle meditation before my noon class…..After class I head down to the locker room to change for my swim training…....John was in class today and we chatted about meeting up for training sessions, unfortunately we’re both SUPER busy and our schedules are not meshing….I’m so not free until after April 20th…..uugghhh, the thought makes me shutter a bit……..We both agree to hook up after that.
In the locker room I peep two friends who were also headed to the pool, so I pick up my pace changing into my swim suit (don’t wanna wait for a lane to free up), and basically walk run to the pool……..I really dislike this energy I’m moving on…..really dislike, but I’m at a point of no return and know if I try to manage it right now I’m going to collapse, so I just roll with it…….My quads are SUPER yelling at me now…..I promise them a break, soon……..Once in the pool I attempt to practice kicking drill, my legs were like lead, I keep movin’, I was pushing myself to get it done……I move through three full laps…..then I decided today would be a good day to breakup with my pool boy (Google it)…..Ummmm, NOT smart…..I was a MESS in the water, I started letting thoughts creep into my mind like, “OMG, I can’t swim without my pool boy”, “will they let me use pool boy on tri day?” then came the negative thoughts.....“how am I going to complete this tri”, “OMG, what have I gotten myself into”, I’m thrashing around in that water like a lost fish! At one point while swimming I inhale a LARGE amount of water, which sends me over the edge with determination…….I make up with my pool boy and swim 5 full laps, choppy, shoddy disconnected laps, with pool boy……Sigh……Ya, see I know this is not cool, even while I’m doing it BUT I press on.......I then move into practicing back strokes……Yea, that’s a smart thing to do today…..NOT!! My entire body is begging me to stop….”one more’, “just one more” I say to myself…..60 minutes later I exit the pool……Not feeling bad, but definitely not feeling good……SIGH……..In the steam bath I replay my training in my head…….I close my eyes and can instantly see all that I need to get done this weekend……I open my eyes with a quickness…..I can’t think about this right now I say…..unsettled and FAR from being grounded, I leave the steam bath and hit the shower…….Uuugggghhhh……I’m not tired, I’m SPENT! I feel all the overworked muscles from my week of working,hooping, running, swimming, spinning, began to protest any further work I may request…….Uggghhhh….Sad to say, all I could think about was “I still gotta get a run in this weekend” Like I said from the start of this blog no matter how crazy it may seem I’m going to share the TRUTH with y’all……And yes, I know it appears crazy to want to keep going when the body is saying stop, I KNOW THIS! Yet, it is what it is…….I’m learning, and these actions and reactions are taking me by surprise.
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The peacful body |
Whew, what a week of work & training!! This has been a burning the candle on both ends week for me….I’ve been so wrapped up in training, business appointments and meeting deadlines that I put the subtle request from my internal self on the back burner….NOT GOOD! As usual when I neglect the gentle request of my body, things began to catch up and turn into a big ol’ mess……Last eve I settled into bed after 1:00 am and was up by 05:45.…..sigh……I know better, but the week just started off fast and I had no time to stop and rest properly, truth I did not make time……Sometimes when I’m on GO the rush is so intense that rest, and sleep only cross my mind as a last resort…..I know this sounds ridiculous but it’s my truth…….WIDE awake at 05:30 this morning (15 min ahead of time) I men WIDE awake, with that Let’s Go, Let’s Go energy seeping out of me. I move through my personal practice, pack my gym bag head out the door enrouteto my 07:30 class……..I can always tell when I’m operating on scattered energy, I become extra hyper, racing around like I have a IV of caffeine running through my veins, my mind processing thoughts at a rapid fire pace……I know in these moments that the come down is going to be HARSH……nevertheless I keep movin’.
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Time to come down and GROUND..... |
After my first class I make my way to the gym to get my training on before my noon class……thinking, planning, processing and movin’ all at the same time….totally disconnected!! I was looking forward to my run today…..I should have realized then there was a problem….Lol….nope, on the train I begin shuffling through my Ipod picking out my running list, thinking about my fast pace run yesterday and feeling all extra SUPED! I head into the locker room and QUICKLY change from my teaching gear into my running gear (fastest change ever!) and I’m off…….towels check, water check, music check, my favorite treadmill available check, check….I hop on and begin running……SCREEEEEECH……BAM!! As quick as I began, I STOP my quads were not happy, I mean not happy, my mind was soooo disconnected from my body racing with thoughts of my to do list…..I attempted to start running again totally brushing off that I had come to a screeching halt……30 seconds in I stop again…..“Oh, darn it not today I think…..I need this run!” I say to myself, literally pushing myself to start up again, “come on Tone" I say to myself.....nothing……my quads turned to bricks……I still pushed…”come on!” I demand of myself…..NOPE, was the silent response I received within…..I stop the treadmill and stand on the edges……uugghhh…..gosh darnit, gosh darnit, GOSH DARNIT! I scream within…….Plan B, I think OK, slip into Plan B ( I ALWAYS HAVE A PLAN B......ALWAYS!) off the treadmill I head down to the spin studio. I walk in crank the heat a tad, and turn the lights OFF…..once on the bike I hit shuffle on my Ipod’s top rated song list and I SOLO SPIN!! Like a mad women……The spin studio is at the end of the hall so I’m pretty isolated, I began singing at the Top of my lungs as I move through runs, jumps, seated climbs and sprints…..I spin for 90 SOLID minutes, SOLID! Never have I created so much sweat, I did not stop to towel off I barley slowed for water… was like a out of body experience……NOTGOOD!! I was singing from a place within, where I’ve let to much build up…….wayyyyy to much. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, I function best when I can be totally creative, so my tendency is to put things together in my head (instead of writing them down), the problem sometimes….. I overload the brain and my mind starts asking for release, the stubborn side of me say’s just a little bit more, just a little bit more…….90 minutes felt like ten, as Maxwell guided me into my cool down with *Bad Habits* followed by Adele *One and Only*, I realize 90 minutes is a LONG time to spin…..but with Jay-Z belting *Ambitious in my ear, then he joined with Kanye and Rihanna asking me *Who’s Gonna Run This Town* I could not stop…….believe it or not Amy Winehouse even played a role in my crazed energy today…..Lol. But NOT!!
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This was me...... |
I sat on that spin bike for 5 minutes after I stopped, trying to bring it all together……I’m able to slip in a gentle meditation before my noon class…..After class I head down to the locker room to change for my swim training…....John was in class today and we chatted about meeting up for training sessions, unfortunately we’re both SUPER busy and our schedules are not meshing….I’m so not free until after April 20th…..uugghhh, the thought makes me shutter a bit……..We both agree to hook up after that.
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Burning Sage......Good for the mind, body, & soul..... |
In the locker room I peep two friends who were also headed to the pool, so I pick up my pace changing into my swim suit (don’t wanna wait for a lane to free up), and basically walk run to the pool……..I really dislike this energy I’m moving on…..really dislike, but I’m at a point of no return and know if I try to manage it right now I’m going to collapse, so I just roll with it…….My quads are SUPER yelling at me now…..I promise them a break, soon……..Once in the pool I attempt to practice kicking drill, my legs were like lead, I keep movin’, I was pushing myself to get it done……I move through three full laps…..then I decided today would be a good day to breakup with my pool boy (Google it)…..Ummmm, NOT smart…..I was a MESS in the water, I started letting thoughts creep into my mind like, “OMG, I can’t swim without my pool boy”, “will they let me use pool boy on tri day?” then came the negative thoughts.....“how am I going to complete this tri”, “OMG, what have I gotten myself into”, I’m thrashing around in that water like a lost fish! At one point while swimming I inhale a LARGE amount of water, which sends me over the edge with determination…….I make up with my pool boy and swim 5 full laps, choppy, shoddy disconnected laps, with pool boy……Sigh……Ya, see I know this is not cool, even while I’m doing it BUT I press on.......I then move into practicing back strokes……Yea, that’s a smart thing to do today…..NOT!! My entire body is begging me to stop….”one more’, “just one more” I say to myself…..60 minutes later I exit the pool……Not feeling bad, but definitely not feeling good……SIGH……..In the steam bath I replay my training in my head…….I close my eyes and can instantly see all that I need to get done this weekend……I open my eyes with a quickness…..I can’t think about this right now I say…..unsettled and FAR from being grounded, I leave the steam bath and hit the shower…….Uuugggghhhh……I’m not tired, I’m SPENT! I feel all the overworked muscles from my week of working,hooping, running, swimming, spinning, began to protest any further work I may request…….Uggghhhh….Sad to say, all I could think about was “I still gotta get a run in this weekend” Like I said from the start of this blog no matter how crazy it may seem I’m going to share the TRUTH with y’all……And yes, I know it appears crazy to want to keep going when the body is saying stop, I KNOW THIS! Yet, it is what it is…….I’m learning, and these actions and reactions are taking me by surprise.
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Ahhhhhh......Creating Peace within.... |
The rush, the high the euphoria that sets in after a intense work out is what ‘I’ve come to crave……Nothing better than when your done, it’s such a sweet sensation…..As I continue on this journey of mine I’m learning that sometimes enough is enough! Especially when I’m so disconnected mind, body and spirit…….Well my quads and hamstrings are SOLID, I mean LEAD SOLID, my core is on fire and my mind is just beginning to quiet down………TRUTH, I’m still going to do some type of workout tomorrow…….probably not my two hour yoga and spin, but I will do something……I’d like to get a run in……I’m going to prepare for rest after this blog post, I want get in a solid 8 hours of peaceful sleep, I honestly think that’s what I need a good night’s sleep, and a change in routine……even though my 90 minute solo spin was intense, it was a change from my regular routine, and I know my body appreciated that……Gonna light some candles, burn some sage, and have a hot bath & cup of honey lemon tea....gotta pamper thy self, especially after over working thy self.......NAMASTE......
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Peace Y'all |
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