I left the class feeling AWESOME! A plus to my weekend of grounding and exactly what I needed Thanks Karmic God’s always on time!! My mind, body and spirit were ready to run, I hop on the treadmill and run with ease for 60 minutes, not aches, no ego, no force…..just a beautiful, peaceful run! I was so concerned about getting back out there today, but like I always say, "put out into the universe what you need and the universe will conspire to give it to you"……I needed my 90 min personal yoga practice, I needed James to be the spin sub today, and I needed the non attached run……Blessing, Blessings, Blessings!!!
I feel wonderful! Meditating, grounding and reflecting over the weekend, nothing can compare……I’m ready to continue on this journey, I know I will hit other bumps in the road, perhaps even encounter a few more injuries, but I WANT THIS, I GOT THIS , I WILL DO THIS!! With PEACE, LOVE & HONORING MYSELF!!
Such a BEAUTIFUL training day!
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Virabhadrasana III ( warrior III) |
Tri Stories: Apprehension
Last week was rather intense, I needed to take a full body break…..mentally, physically and emotionally, giving myself time to reflect and ground. I kept wondering why my outer quads were soooo soar, then I realized last week I began lowering the handle bars on my spin bikes, in prep for the lower reach…….Wow, I never imagined it would tap into another area of my legs……without awarness I kept riding until Friday when I hit a wall!! I could not get out of bed Saturday without intense quad soreness, I refrained from any spinning & running on Saturday, instead I meditated to ground myself, & 90 minutes of hula hooping for cardio and core work, and even that was a struggle……Sunday I did absolutely nothing!! Well I ate well…..Lol…..TLC and rested my entire body!
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Uttanasana (forward fold), |
I awoke this morning a bit apprehensive about my training, last week really took me for a loop, I NEVER want to repeat that….NEVER! I pack my bag Sunday night for everything....yoga, swim, bike, run, my intention was to listen to the needs of my body instead of planning………After teaching my 7:00am class, I sit for a AWESOME meditation, afterwards my body begged me to stay on the mat and enjoy a long slow personal practice…….and I did just that! I moved in to very slow and deliberate sun salutations, moving with my breath & listening to my body, I held poses to open and lengthen all the tightness that had accumulated…….some of the asanas included in my practice; Padmasana (lotus), Supta Baddha Konasana (bound angle), Apanasa (knee to chest), Supta Salamba Sirasana (hero pose), Balasana (child’s pose), Upavistha & Parsva Upavistha Konasana (open angle) Uttanasana (forward fold), Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend) also adding some standing asanas & backbends; Setu banda (bridge), Dhanurasana (bow), Bhujangasana (cobra), Ardha Chandrasana (half-moon), Virabhadrasana III ( warrior III) & Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (standing extended leg stretch)…….once in savasana I felt at peace, in those moments I knew without a doubt I would not repeat the events from last week……not a chance!
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Balasana (child’s pose), |
Heather was still away, I was open to see who her sub would be today…….I walk into the studio and a smile immediately washes over me…..her sub was James, I’ve never taken his class as they do not fit into my schedule ( I will find a way to make them fit now), I know him because we both teach at this location…..James has very peaceful, strong but shy appearance to him, very nice guy who always smiles…..I feel a peaceful energy in the room as I set up my bike. Class begins and I was drawn to him, I mean his voice, his music, his style, were all on point!! For such a big guy I imagined a totally different delivery……I LOVED this class, I needed this class, the ride was strong, but the energy was so, so, lovely….Ahhhh…..James also gave us CD’s of his play list…..I’ve never experienced this kind of energy from a teacher, I was COMPLETELY drawn to him!! We chat a bit after class, he hopes (and so do I) that he get’s another day class at this location. Funny you see people all the time in passing but you never get a chance to experience them, I’m Sooooo glad James subbed today…..I needed that! My sweat was different in his class, cleansing, I mean really, really cleansing……Ahhhhhh……I get home and look up his web site that was on the CD cover, only to find out he is a High performance life coach (not surprised) his web site is simple and peaceful, also written on the cover of the FREE CD “My attitude is gratitude; thank you for spinning with me. Enjoy this play list in good health”……sigh…….I’m in love….LOL….but seriously, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE his ENERGY & PRESENCE!! I got to WILL fit him into my spinning rotation!! I know on my high ego, scattered energy day’s I could definitely benefit from him……Check him out http://www.luvenmylife.com
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Upavistha Konasana (open angle) |
Padmasana (lotus) |
Such a BEAUTIFUL training day!
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Paz, amor y bendiciones y'all.... |
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