Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tri Stories: That Change Will Do You Good……

For the Mind, Body & Spirit.....Yes it is!
 Tri Stories: That Change Will Do You Good……

Another BEAUTIFUL training today!! I slept very well last night, I was up super early this morning ready to get out in the sunshine! The temps are still a bit cool here in Chi-city, but the bright sunshine was callin’ my name…..I was in the mood for a nice yoga class, and remembered Jim’s class, I grab my bag and head out. I’ve been moving around in a peaceful trance since the weekend, I like this feeling……I change into my yoga gear and head into the studio. Jim's 07:30 Hatha flow class was right on time, I got lost in my breath and the soothing sound of his voice……I must say my body is happy with me…I entered and exited each posture with awareness to each and every area!! I love mixing up my personal practice style by  practicing with other teachers & styles, it adds variety and allows me to tap into various areas of myself. As we prepared for savasana 80 minutes later, I felt light as a feather, my mind, body, & spirit were still in that chill mode……Ohmelikesalot!

DARE to live your DREAM!

I decide to take the 9:30 spin class with Fran…..It’s been a while since I’ve taken her class, she ROCKS it out! I was just beginning my triathlon training the last time I took her class, then  I struggled with her strong sequence…..Loved it, but struggled. Fran is the head of the fitness departments for these athletic clubs I teach & train at. I was LOVIN’ her class today, she turns on the florescent lights, kicks up the music……house, dance, reggae, just a hot mixture of everything and with the flashing lights, you feel like your spinning in a club….Lol….Her sequence was FUN & challenging. At one point near the end of class as she walks by she says to me “you look GOOD & STRONG” Ummmmm, Wooot, WoooooooT!! Yup, I was SUPED! You see that compliment coming from her was soooo inspiring to me! The last time she saw me I was gasping for breath and hugging the handle bars on the bike….Lol…..Not to mention, Fran has done many triathlons, and is a FABulous spin instructor……It’s like getting an A+ in math class to me…Lol….I was feeling AMAZING after that compliment…..I’ve worked hard to get stronger and build endurance while spinning, I put in the miles and it feels GOOD to know that improvement can be seen….That’s just the TRUTH!! Now I know I did not get here alone, so after class I approach Fran and I say "thanks again for the compliment on my growth", BUT!! I also say to her “ I must give a shout out & much love to DeWitt, Julie & Heather” I add "the three of them are NO JOKE, and got me to where I am today” WORD!!! I'm very grateful for my time with each one of them, there is NO WAY I’d be this strong without each of there teaching styles, and I wanted her to know that……She was like “wow, that’s good, I’ll be sure to tell them”……I’m a true believer in giving BIGGUPS to people when they deserve them, I mean, I've personally  let each one of them know, but I think the person in charge should also know……One thing I can say about Fran is, she hires the BEST OF THE BEST in ALL teachers……Yoga, Pilates, Boot Camp, Spinning, Hard Core….etc…..I LIKE THAT!!

Take a moment & read that AGAIN!! Now GO!!!

After that wonderful spin class I hit the steam bath, I tell ya this location has a awesome steam bath room, I lay there all full of peace, I think of nothing…..I just BE…….Ahhhhh…..walking out the gym I hop back on the train as I had some business to take care of downtown, the sun was shinning soooo bright, I could feel my body soaking up the NATURAL Vitamin D it’s been craving for wayyyyy to long……I decide to take a SLOWwwww walk home after business was done…..a nice slow walk, taking long looks up at the sky, counting my blessings for what I have and for what I don’t…….Feeling REALLY GOOD…….At peace and in bliss……my heart, face & spirit all smiling….Yes, I’m a dreamer so I walk along dreaming, but as much as I dream in my head……I dream outside of my head to make those dreams come TRUE!! Patience, dedication, and commitment……not allowing anyone or anything to take me out of focus for to long…….Gotta keep my head right, my awareness up, remembering how & why I got here, and know where I’m going, even if I’m not 100% on how I’m going to get there…….I actually like NOT knowing, it keeps the DREAM ALIVE!!

Peace, Love & Living your DREAM Y'all....



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