And true to my thoughts today was……ALL THAT AND A BAG O CHIPS!!! Without going in to deets, my day was full of some wonderful things to come…….I know taking time to ground over the weekend, created the peace, harmony and balance I'm movin' with this week…..I had a WONDERFUL experience at the community event this evening, I absolutely love working IN & WITH the community, there’s nothing better than getting out there DOING WHAT YOU LOVE! For me that's educating people about preventative health and wellness…….well, there is one thing better…It’s when the community embraces you and are really interested in what you’re sharing! GOOD BEAUTIFUL ENERGY in that community center this evening, lot‘s of questions and audience participation…BEAUTIFUL ENERGY!!! I’m over the top with heart felt peace & happiness….…..I gotta go meditate on this YUMMINESS!!
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Trikonasana (Triangle) |
Tri Stories: I WON…..I WON!!!!
Such a GREAT DAY!!! Wow, one of those day’s that I’m gonna keep in my heart for ever!! Another day of bright sunshine in Chi-City, the temps reached the mid 40’s….meh! I’ll take it…..OK, so I was up early did my personal practice, which included a selection of heart & chest opening asanas, Urdhva Dhanurasana, Trikonasana (Triangle), Trikonasana (Variation) and a few others.
I had a full agenda (business related) today, and I always like to enter any business events with a open heart and open mind……After practice I had a few things I needed to take care of in prep for a meeting & my speaking engagement this evening….Well, before I realized it I was pressed for time, so I literally had to RUN to the bus stop…..not so bad though, I was awake and energized, I just became lost in tasks……So I hop on the bus and allow the mind to chill on the ride to the gym, moving into a LIGHT meditation........always gotta be aware on DA BUS (side eye)....Lol!!
I had a full agenda (business related) today, and I always like to enter any business events with a open heart and open mind……After practice I had a few things I needed to take care of in prep for a meeting & my speaking engagement this evening….Well, before I realized it I was pressed for time, so I literally had to RUN to the bus stop…..not so bad though, I was awake and energized, I just became lost in tasks……So I hop on the bus and allow the mind to chill on the ride to the gym, moving into a LIGHT meditation........always gotta be aware on DA BUS (side eye)....Lol!!
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Trikonasana (Variation) |
I make the quick change into my spin gear, fill my water bottle and enter class five minutes late…..UggggHHH!! Julie looks up & say’s ‘Heyyyy ya made it” I give that, I’m sorry & I'm late look, smile at her and set my bike up……I fall right into the warm up with everyone else, nice size class today, I’d guess 15 spinners, no time to count I had to get my zone going…..Julie had a new sequence today, it was AWESOME!! About four songs in she tosses out her “Trivia” question…….if you recall, last week I said “One of theses day’s I’m gonna be quick enough to shout out the answer, but not yet” WELL today I WON!!!! Lol…..I could not believe it, OMG, it went down like this……..Julie's question “name the original song of this remix” OMG, so, I start peddlin’ to the beat, not thinking I’d know this answer, I kept bopping my head as someone yelled out an answer, I could not hear there answer, but Julie said “no that’s not it…..I kept bopping as we stood up for runs, as we sat back down and peddled fast on a flat rode, I shouted out BETTY DAVIS EYES!!! “YES, YES!! Julie responded…..Hahahaha....I LOVE IT!! I could not believe it, seriously, this was SOooo coo!! I mean I was running late, but not flustered at all, I was simply jamming’ and getting’ into my grove, no time to sing or dream…..Lol…..No lies, I was HAPPY!! This particular song is a all time favorite of mine…….As a teen ( sisters can vouch for this...Lol) I played this song over and over again, I had a dance routine that included, using my peace fingers over my eyes, as I sang the hook….LOL….SO HILARIOUS that this would be the question I'd answer right…..The BEST!! I giggled for a good minuet after that, sooo FUN! At the end of class Julie gives me my PRIZE!! A honey graham cliff bar (delicious) and two lollipops…I'll keep them in my gym bag, they're sure to hit the spot on a long ride……Such a great sign of just how FABulous this day was going to be for me…..I actually thought that to myself, I mean I was running late, never letting it stir me, and I WON SPIN TRIVIA!!
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Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheele variation) |
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Peace Y'all.... |
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