Tri Stories: Simply Lovely!
This week of training has been absolutely wonderful! Such a great way to end my third month of tri training…..I’m feeling very blessed, grateful and humble…..Living a Healthy Life is a beautiful thing!!!…….Well, I was up around 05:30 short meditation and I’m off……After teaching my class I head off to get my training in for the day!
Today is a Yoga, Run & Swim day! I didn’t think about training today, I was in a *get it done mode*. After my yoga practice, I hop on the treadmill pop in my earphones and run……It took about three minutes for my entire body to get the “WE RUNNIN” TODAY” memo….Lol….I swear every part of my body asked “what the what?”, my internal response was “you know what’s up, let’s get it done!”….Lol, YUP, I actually have this moment within…..Lol….Once the mind, body & spirit connect, it’s ON….I ran very well today, solid 60 min, initially my left knee was a bit tight, but I was able to breathe & help create some relief with my foot placement on the treadmill and my breath awareness. I ran today thinking about how much I’ve improved with my running… are my running #’s…..12:30 miles…..5 miles/hr (average)…..Um, Wooot, WoooooTt!! I like that gradual improvement……I’ve allowed myself to run from within instead of being so focused on others around me, granted I receive energy from others, I just needed to take some of my awareness from the external to the internal (not easy to do)….My strong, solid run today was the perfect way to close out month three…….And even though I let ol’ ego creep up on me a few times this month……I actually feel much better, March has been the most challenging but fulfilling month yet! Three down five to GO!!
After my run I head down to change into my swim gear…..I was really looking forward to being in the water, I didn’t swim on Monday, and my body missed it…….I hop in and decide to start of with working on my kick drills. My legs were feeling good and strong, I completed three laps….Then I worked on my back strokes, yea, back strokes ( I need a back up swim plan)….just incase this actual face down swimming doesn’t work out so well for me on tri day!! Gotta keep it real, no since in not having a back up plan…..and get arsed out on races day! Nawwwww Buddy, been there, done that!! Momma gonna be PREPARED this time….TRUTH, I have a plan C in place as well, its my dolphin swim technique….itsayogatonesoriginal…..Lol, ALWAYS have backup plans! ALWAYS! I then practice swimming SOME LAPS, I did two laps before I realized I did not have my POOL BOY! I swear as soon as I *realized I was swimming without pool boy*, (that’s when my swimming began to get a little shaky)…..wink, wink……Yea, I reached for pool boy……I’m FULLY AWARE, that I’m attached to my pool boy…..Lol…..I’m working on it…….I’ll share something else with ya.....sigh… I looked up the rules, just to check if pool boy could be with me on tri day…..NOPE! Lol, so yes, I have work to do. I know folks say get a wet suit, (which I’m actually considering), but pool boy is different……I gotta break up with him soon and not look back! Boy, this is going to be HARD!! Tee-Hee…….I challenged myself to swim for 60min vs. my usual 45, and I did it, AND it was pain free……I LOVE the water……
Oh, so I’m swimming and this dude that was waiting for a lane to open up asked me if he could share the lane with me…..Um, Rut-Rho, I think to myself, I have no idea what pool etiquette is, so I say “um, I’m almost done”, his look let me now that was NOT proper pool etiquette…Lol…ooops…..I try to clean it up a bit, “um, I’m not the best swimmer I say”, “Oh, me either” he responds….DANGIT! I think.....“sure, yea, I just don’t want to slow you down” I add on", "awl no I’m really not that good” he says with a smile...... ‘um, OK” I respond………WHAT, THE, WHAT!!!! This dude gets in begins swimming like his name is Greg Louganis!! I kid you not! Every TWO minutes he swam by me I had to grasp for the wall, it felt like I was going to be sucked up by a wave…..WHAT THE WHAT!!! All I could do was giggle within….clearly due spotted the newbie and thought, eh’ let me get my laps in in NEWBIE LANE…..Grrrrrr…..I’d been HAD! I was not going to let *SLICK* get away with this…Lol….Let me just say, he was super nice, really…..BUT, I’d been HAD… way was he going share this story and laugh with his friends tonight, until he had the WHOLE story to tell…..I wait for dude to swim to the end, just as he’s about to turn back I say “Dude, ya said you were not that good”….I laugh, He laughs too….Then he say’s “my form is not good” FORM, form!!! DUDE, I got no form!! We both laugh a bit……He tells me about how he learned how to swim and even recommended a guy……I tell him I’m training for the tri and LEARNING how to swim, he assures me I’ll be fine, & that I’ll “have a blast”….RANDOM…..I love random interactions like this…..I swim a bit more then I dip in the hot tub before heading into the steam bath…..Simply lovely day, and week….I'm sleepy.....Zzzzzz
This week of training has been absolutely wonderful! Such a great way to end my third month of tri training…..I’m feeling very blessed, grateful and humble…..Living a Healthy Life is a beautiful thing!!!…….Well, I was up around 05:30 short meditation and I’m off……After teaching my class I head off to get my training in for the day!
Today is a Yoga, Run & Swim day! I didn’t think about training today, I was in a *get it done mode*. After my yoga practice, I hop on the treadmill pop in my earphones and run……It took about three minutes for my entire body to get the “WE RUNNIN” TODAY” memo….Lol….I swear every part of my body asked “what the what?”, my internal response was “you know what’s up, let’s get it done!”….Lol, YUP, I actually have this moment within…..Lol….Once the mind, body & spirit connect, it’s ON….I ran very well today, solid 60 min, initially my left knee was a bit tight, but I was able to breathe & help create some relief with my foot placement on the treadmill and my breath awareness. I ran today thinking about how much I’ve improved with my running… are my running #’s…..12:30 miles…..5 miles/hr (average)…..Um, Wooot, WoooooTt!! I like that gradual improvement……I’ve allowed myself to run from within instead of being so focused on others around me, granted I receive energy from others, I just needed to take some of my awareness from the external to the internal (not easy to do)….My strong, solid run today was the perfect way to close out month three…….And even though I let ol’ ego creep up on me a few times this month……I actually feel much better, March has been the most challenging but fulfilling month yet! Three down five to GO!!
After my run I head down to change into my swim gear…..I was really looking forward to being in the water, I didn’t swim on Monday, and my body missed it…….I hop in and decide to start of with working on my kick drills. My legs were feeling good and strong, I completed three laps….Then I worked on my back strokes, yea, back strokes ( I need a back up swim plan)….just incase this actual face down swimming doesn’t work out so well for me on tri day!! Gotta keep it real, no since in not having a back up plan…..and get arsed out on races day! Nawwwww Buddy, been there, done that!! Momma gonna be PREPARED this time….TRUTH, I have a plan C in place as well, its my dolphin swim technique….itsayogatonesoriginal…..Lol, ALWAYS have backup plans! ALWAYS! I then practice swimming SOME LAPS, I did two laps before I realized I did not have my POOL BOY! I swear as soon as I *realized I was swimming without pool boy*, (that’s when my swimming began to get a little shaky)…..wink, wink……Yea, I reached for pool boy……I’m FULLY AWARE, that I’m attached to my pool boy…..Lol…..I’m working on it…….I’ll share something else with ya.....sigh… I looked up the rules, just to check if pool boy could be with me on tri day…..NOPE! Lol, so yes, I have work to do. I know folks say get a wet suit, (which I’m actually considering), but pool boy is different……I gotta break up with him soon and not look back! Boy, this is going to be HARD!! Tee-Hee…….I challenged myself to swim for 60min vs. my usual 45, and I did it, AND it was pain free……I LOVE the water……
Oh, so I’m swimming and this dude that was waiting for a lane to open up asked me if he could share the lane with me…..Um, Rut-Rho, I think to myself, I have no idea what pool etiquette is, so I say “um, I’m almost done”, his look let me now that was NOT proper pool etiquette…Lol…ooops…..I try to clean it up a bit, “um, I’m not the best swimmer I say”, “Oh, me either” he responds….DANGIT! I think.....“sure, yea, I just don’t want to slow you down” I add on", "awl no I’m really not that good” he says with a smile...... ‘um, OK” I respond………WHAT, THE, WHAT!!!! This dude gets in begins swimming like his name is Greg Louganis!! I kid you not! Every TWO minutes he swam by me I had to grasp for the wall, it felt like I was going to be sucked up by a wave…..WHAT THE WHAT!!! All I could do was giggle within….clearly due spotted the newbie and thought, eh’ let me get my laps in in NEWBIE LANE…..Grrrrrr…..I’d been HAD! I was not going to let *SLICK* get away with this…Lol….Let me just say, he was super nice, really…..BUT, I’d been HAD… way was he going share this story and laugh with his friends tonight, until he had the WHOLE story to tell…..I wait for dude to swim to the end, just as he’s about to turn back I say “Dude, ya said you were not that good”….I laugh, He laughs too….Then he say’s “my form is not good” FORM, form!!! DUDE, I got no form!! We both laugh a bit……He tells me about how he learned how to swim and even recommended a guy……I tell him I’m training for the tri and LEARNING how to swim, he assures me I’ll be fine, & that I’ll “have a blast”….RANDOM…..I love random interactions like this…..I swim a bit more then I dip in the hot tub before heading into the steam bath…..Simply lovely day, and week….I'm sleepy.....Zzzzzz
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Peace Y'all |
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