Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tri Stories: Oh Julie how I missed you!!

 Mother Nature...
  Tri Stories: Oh Julie how I missed you!!

Brrrrrr……it’s COLD in Chi-City!! Well, I can’t complain about the weather, it is Chicago, so you must always be ready for the elements……Just a tad of a downer to have the weather shift so much, then I think of the people in Japan and know I’m truly blessed, I mean all I need to do is reach for my hat, gloves and scarf……I still have a roof over my head and I’m ALIVE!!

I slept well last night, so well, I overslept….Lol…..Y’all know I don’t like the alarm clock thingy, I usually set my phone alarm, but I always awake before it goes off….today I never moved, so around 8:00 I awake and jump right into my day……..uuugggghhhh……INOLIKE! INOLIKEATALL!!! I’m back on DA BUS……So to deal I close my eyes and meditate on the ride to the gym, as the driver rolls the bus like he’s on vacation somewhere……Uuugggghhhh…..come on drive the gosh darn bus! I wanna yell….instead I breathe …….YUP, I was a cranky pants this morning!! I arrive at the gym planning to run before my spin class, my intention was 45 minutes, but with the slow arse bus I’m left with 30 minutes to run after changing into my gear……..better than no run at all……..I hit the treadmill and I push my pace up….. figure I’ll run at a higher pace to make up for the shorter time…….I was doin’ it I mean really DOIN’ it!! I’m totally surprising myself, I wanted to run, waking up late and rushing around, I felt like a good run would peace me out, and it did!! I actually was holding my own at this MUCH faster pace, music in my ears, view of busy city in front of me, I fell into my zone within two minutes…, I WILL NOT be running this pace on the reg....Noooo buddy.... I was running a 10 min mile today, that‘s just INSANE…Lol…..but I now know it‘s attainable, and that I can hold it down for 30 minutes…..ummm, Woooot WOOT! So I‘ll continue to gradually increase my running time and pick up my pace in time……The run help me rid the cranky pants energy I was wearing, it felt medicinal, I‘m curious to see what happens when I take my running off the treadmill and onto the pavement…SISTA may be singing a different song then….Lol…..We shall see.

Once I lace up my kicks I'm ready to RUN!

After my run I head down to my spin class, feeling all good, by now a smile is on my face as I enter the room…….WOW, it was packed in there! In my haste I did not sign up for a bike on the way in, assuming my reg bike would be free….NOPE, I took one of the last free bikes. Julie, Julie, Julie……Oh, how I missed not taking her class last week, she has such a great friendly spirit, always wearing a smile, sharing funny little tidbits about herself…..just what my spirit needed to realign! Hands down she has the best music, hands down, and her rides are super FUN!! We were spinning to Pat Benatar, White Stripes, Michael Jackson and Madonna……LOVE, LOVE, LOVESIT!!! The White Stripes were the trivia question answer today (I knew it)…..One of theses day’s I’m gonna be quick enough to shout out the answer, but not yet….Lol…..I’m such a dreamer that I get lost in the song, singing in my head, jamming within’, then 5 seconds to late I’m like “White Stripes!!” TOO LATE!….Oh, well I Am Who I Am……I really enjoyed this class so uplifting!

So I leave Julies FAB class feeling all revived and head into the Steam Bath, initially I’m in there alone….which I love…….then…..sigh….uugghhh, as I lay there with my eyes closed, this chic enters……She begins coughing and sighing…..I ignore…..“COUGH, COUGH, CCOUGHH“……REALLY CHICA!?! I take a deep breath…….”CCCOUGH, COUGH, SIGH, COUGH” ……I shift a bit and take a peak at her……“OH NO SHE IS NOT WIDE OPEN MOUTH, NO COVERAGE COUGHING!!!” I say within” …….OH YES SHE IS!!!! Come on now when did it become OK not to cover your mouth when coughing! Especially in that HOTARSE steam room…….I take a DEEP breath……“COUGH, COUGH, clears her throat COUGH!!” SERIOUSLY!?, I’m annoyed, I tighten up my towel sit up and take a few more breaths…….the coughing continues…..I get up slip on my flip flops and look her dead in the eyes on my way out… her that straight up “YOU KNOW YOU WRONG” look, and muttering “nastyarse” to myself………I felt all dirty after exiting the steam room, I had some time, so I took a Lonnnnnggggg HOT SHOWER, the double head shower & full blast water pressure made things better quickly, so I let go of the steam bath experience……..
Gettin' it In
I head out to teach my noon class, followed by 90 minutes of hula hooping…….I’m in love with Hula hoopin’ It’s like I was meant to do this, I feel so FREE, so SEXY, so FREE…..I dance twirl, swirl, with the hoop, cranking the music up and just being ME!! After each hooping session, I feel lighter a bliss washes over me! It’s one thing to dance around and sing to the music…..but add hula hooping into the mix……Wow, Just Wow!!! YUP, I’ll be hoopin’ forever! It’s all mind, body connection, I let the hoop move around me, and when I twirl or lift the hoop, it feels feather light……It’s very……um…..very….freeing……I think sometimes we as people hold on to energies we really would like to free up within, but were not sure how…..while hooping  I watch myself move in the mirror as I move with the hoop and how it in turn moves with me……I wish I had the exact words to explain this to y’all…..It’s just feels good, real free & good!! Perhaps the more I practice the more I’m able to express…….I know I feel like the dancer in me is being unleashed, and I LOVE IT!!

Peace, Love & Hooping Y'all....
 For sure hooping is now part of my tri-training!



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