Monday, February 7, 2011

Tri Stories- Monday…..

Tri Stories- Monday…..

Dreary, snowy day here in Chi-city……I’m still moving with slow energy, I spent yesterday taking care of my immune system, all of this fatigue, mild congestion and soft scratchy throat, tells me my immune system is fighting off a bug……..I can’t remember the last time I’ve had a cold, I usually take the bug out before it has a chance to take me down! I stayed in this weekend drank plenty of hot raw honey and lemon tea, took in some extra doses of zinc and increased my B12 intake…..though I’m still a bit tired my congestion is gone and my throat feels much, much, better……Each year around this time my body really feels the affects of low sun intake (I take Vitamin D to help with this), the depth of winter, and the freezing temps……I think one more night of GOOD SLEEP should do the trick!

Training today was good, not great, but good…..I was up 05:45 sat for meditation then headed out to my first class……I have the same few people that attend this class every Monday, and as they entered today, I could feel their low energy as well…..One of my students (David) walks in and say’s “oh Toni, I feel like crap!” “I ate to much junk food yesterday”, another student (Kate), rushes in as class starts, apologizing for being late and mentions she overslept……..I really think this is the HUMP period in between Winter & Spring and our bodies, really begin to react to the elements…..kind of like a puttering car in need of gas, slowly moving along, the gas light comes on warning us to refuel before it shuts down……our bodies need refueling, not with food, water and rest alone….but with a combination of each as well as movement, laughter and relaxation.

After class I move into my personal practice, I begin with bridge pose, opening up the chest and heart as well as creating a soft back bend, then I move into leg work done with strap, and variations of pigeon pose to lengthen my hamstrings and beginning to open the hips…….I make my way up to standing and move into uttanasana (standing forward fold) I do this with wide and closed leg variations, followed by a series of sun salutations, triangle pose (Trikonasana), extended side angle (utthita parsvakonasans)and Tripod head stand and traditional head stand (sirasana) all the twisting and inverting help to release head congestion, also bringing new energy into my body turning it upside down mixing things up as the twist help with massaging of my internal organs……As I move into savasana, I find it initially difficult to let go, so I add in some breathing exercises to quite down my mind and reconnect with my breath………I feel rejuvenated after class not 100% but rejuvenated nonetheless.

I enter the spin room, and Dewitt is subbing for Heather today……The class was great, I had to keep up with his strong sequence a couple of times I wanted to fall back on my resistance, but the feeling of sweat pouring off my forehead kept me strong on the ride, I struggled a bit with the jumps initially, but found my groove as we moved into some serious running…….I was glad when class was over!! I contemplated going in the steam bath, I’m so glad I did….I felt great afterwards……I had a business meeting after and I wanted to be alert and engaging, the steam bath definitely gave me energy for that……Well, I’m off to teach my last class this evening, this happens to be one of my FAVORITE group of yogis, they always bring good vibes, and good energy to the class…..I look forward to teaching this class every week…….When my students say to me "you’ve changed my life” or “wow, I feel so much better now” I gently remind them, that the energy they bring to class rubs off on me and without them I would not be the teacher I am today! Teaching is a two way street, a good teacher teaches best when the students are ready and open to learning……well, at least that’s the way it works for me……..It’s all ENERGY!


Peace & Rest....


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