Tuesday, January 11, 2011




I did a brick today (spinning & run )……… I really enjoy the bricks they are very challenging…..So far sleep has been on point this week, I was up this morning and ready to go ( even though I have later start time on Tuesdays ). It is snowing here in Chi-city, and the gym was not as busy as usual…..my yoga practice this morning consisted of holding poses such as; Down Dog ( Adho Mukha Savasana ), extended side angle (utthita parsvakonasans ), Spinal Twist (jathara parivartanasana), Warrior II (virabhdrasana II ), and of course my staple Pigeon variation (eka pada rajakapotasana).

Down Dog

I have mixed feelings about the spin class today, this was a new teacher and he talked Yayyy to much and I was not feelin’ his 50’s bee-bop “lets go to the hop” music….I could not find my groove, but his sequence was challenging and we did lots of hills which I like, building up some strength in the legs, complimenting the building of endurance on my run…..I’m going to give him another chance because of his sequence not his music, nor his constant muffled chatter (annoying!). I got my heart rate up nicely and felt really strong for my run…….in between my spin class and run I hit the studio just to stretch out (gotta respect the body)…..I hop on the treadmill and about 10 minutes into the run I’m feeling.....meh!….I could of used someone running on either side of me, but the gym was rather empty…so I shuffle thru my I pod for some much needed inspiration and let Jay-Z’s Black album take over (best purchase ever!), I must admit I was getting tired my legs were heavy and I even reached out for the side rails on the treadmill a few times (keepin’ it real), but I kept running my legs were heavy but my knees were not irritated (that's how i know the difference between fatigue & ego ), and I was hitting the belt with a nice step…..near the end of my run Michael Jackson’s, Off The Wall (single) took me to the end and just a little beyond…..I ran 3.20 miles today at my 13.02min/mile pace!! I’m happy with that! I like this three mile run and plan on taking my time increasing time and distance ( I have plenty of time). This is my challenge as I want to go, go, go….but on a day like today doing the brick, that kind of go, go, go, is sure to take me out, out, OUT.....so I’ll go easy.

extended side angle (utthita parsvakonasans )

Fatigue had begun to settle in as I headed to the steam room, and I could not wait to just chill in there for a few…….I was a bit uncomfortable today, after my training…..I tend to develop hives all over if I’m exposed to extreme heat or extreme cold….Uggghhh, (such a pain) and as I prepared for the steam room I notice I was covered in hives, and getting itchy (skin sensitivities ain’t no joke!)….this is the type of stuff that has kept me from participating in extreme sports….I just ignore the hives and itchiness and chill for a few in the steam room....taking  a shower I noticed I was blotchy & hives  all over……Oh, well I guess it could be worse…..( my niece Lauryn has the same condition)….the only thing that helps is taking a antihistamine (which I don’t like doing) so I’m going to have to make peace with the need for antihistamine during this training…..I know Whole Foods carries a nice one......I would like to just ride the hives out but, not only are they UNCOMFORTABLE! But I also don’t want things to get out of hand, so here is where I make peace with the need for them during this part of my journey…….Another thing I’m learning about myself…..Letting go when I must! Life is not meant to be controlled on every aspect…..Yea, I know, but darn it I don’t want to take them! Gotta stay focused........

I was HUNGRY after training and was craving pancakes and greens (ODD I know), so I came home and made some Danish pancakes (golf ball size pancake….YUMMY!) and I had the rest of a mixture of greens I made last night (collard, kale &spinach ), so good I sautéed them in a little garlic and olive oil ( been on my mind all day) sooo, good!

Tomorrow is my day off, but I have a busy, busy, schedule so I’m going to turn it down before midnight…..I hope!

Stay Focused Y'all



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