Tri Stories: Lovely Monday
I was up nice and early this morning, the temps continue to rise here in Chi-city. After teaching my 07:00 class, I move through my personal practice……I must admit I was still feeling the affects of Saturday’s two hour asthanga class followed by a spin class…..I tapped into some new areas for sure!! Lol…..I love yoga because it all interlinks and provides numerous health benefits…..I LOVE, Love, love YOGA!!….Anywho, I needed to really breathe and stretch out my entire body….I begin with deep breathing exercises to help myself ground and connect within…..I scan my internal self with much awarness to areas of tightness……
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Standing Extended-Leg Stretch (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana), |
I was up nice and early this morning, the temps continue to rise here in Chi-city. After teaching my 07:00 class, I move through my personal practice……I must admit I was still feeling the affects of Saturday’s two hour asthanga class followed by a spin class…..I tapped into some new areas for sure!! Lol…..I love yoga because it all interlinks and provides numerous health benefits…..I LOVE, Love, love YOGA!!….Anywho, I needed to really breathe and stretch out my entire body….I begin with deep breathing exercises to help myself ground and connect within…..I scan my internal self with much awarness to areas of tightness……
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revolved Triangle (Parivrtta Trikonasana) |
As, I move into my asana postures, consisting of the warrior series I, II, III, also incorporating half moon (Ardha Chandrasana), Standing Extended-Leg Stretch Utthita( Hasta Padangusthasana), revolved Triangle (Parivrtta Trikonasana) and Triangle (Trikonasana)……. I hold each 6-8 or 8-12 breaths. I feel like a brand new me as I move out of savasana. I still have not decided what cardio I was going to do today……I thought about doing the brick, but still recovering from the intensity of Saturday, I really want to keep a positive feeling of recovery, as I want to add that sequence into my training rotation. I don’t want to end up avoiding it because I didn’t allow proper recovery, so I decide a brick would be a bit much today. Instead I take the spin class….Heather was back!!!! Yayyyy……I love her style of teaching, and today she was back and ready to spin!! I seem to have found my regular spin teachers Heather, DeWitt & Julie….They all provide me the push I need sometimes to challenge myself without injuring my self…..
Heather put together a great sequence incorporating lot’s of jumps and seated climbs….a favorite of mine is her five minute lights out seated or standing climb…spinners choice…I always bring it hard on this climb, it’s so personal, all about how much I want to give it in that moment…..Well, I was having mixed feelings in that moment about not doing the brick….I found myself going in EXTRA on this climb… one point my legs were screaming for me to stand up and peddle…..I stayed seated and cranked the resistance a bit more…sweat dripping, my gaze was focused on the rotation of my feet on the peddles “pull up, push down, pull up, push, down” was repeating over and over in my head………The dude next to me was standing, he was leaning so far forward with each peddle I thought he was going to topple over….he has a nice pace going, you can tell he to was going in hard! I like that….feeling that energy from another is like a second wind to me, I turn it up once more my legs struggle to make it around completely, I push on, envisioning someone holding onto my back wheel as I try to move forward…….“NOPE, I’m not letting anyone hold me back I think to myself”…..I peddle harder and ever so slightly pick up my pace, my legs wanna stand I continue to sit……..The song ends……
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Triangle (Parivrtta Trikonasana) |
I feel STRONG, after that class……mentally, physically and spiritually STRONG!!! I also appreciated the fact that I did not do the brick…..It goes back to respecting the entire body and giving it what it really needs versus what is just desires……I wanted to go hard today with respect for my hard worked body, with the awarness of not overdoing it and putting myself at high risk for injury…….So the compromise, left me with a beautifully intense ride that allowed me to go all out without overdoing!! YUP, learning and growing, that’s what I’m doing…….After a 20 minute steam bath and a shower I was DONE.....LOVE IT!
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Om..... |
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