Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tri-Stories: People Helping People

Tri-Stories: People Helping People

Entering my inversion

Yea, I’m all over this tri-training…….Last night was another semi-late night for bed (will do better ), I think I took it just past the 1:15 am hour….Nevertheless I was up at 6:30 (lookin’ crazy ) and at the gym by 7:30, I had a nice yoga & meditation personal practice, I moved through sun salutations and a hip openers (preparing for my ride) and then I moved into inversions where I worked on holding my inversion today 10 min inverted….gosh, the high that it brings is insane…..Y’all better come get some!! Call me!

Hand Stand
 I then taught a class from 9-10 am and moved on to my spinning class from 10-11 am. A pleasant surprise the teacher that taught the Monday spin class was subbing! Yayyy! Got me all into the class I was drenched in two minutes flat……Listening to tip from Pablo, I ate a few apple slices in-between yoga & spin (Thanks Pablo) and my energy was off the chain, I rocked it out in that class……NAW…..I KILLED IT! I fell into that natural high as she instructed us up and down in eight counts, followed by 20 second sprints and some serious running drills, (my core loves spin runs). The class flew by, and again, I stand by my gel padded running shorts (Canari ), these things are just amazing, I’ve been a spinner off and on since late 90’s and wearing these shorts gives the joy of the ride a whole new meaning.

Gift from John
 After my training, I headed for the steam room, as I lay there I began thinking about blessings and just how blessed I am……..Pablo was spinning with me today and after class I picked his brain just a bit more, I sought his thoughts on the days I had chosen to be my rest days and also on how I was breaking up my training so I stay motivated without overdoing it. He liked my suggested rest days as well as my training schedule, which I’m sure will change a few times during the process………The steam began to come out a little harder and I could feel all the toxins and impurities releasing from my body………I thought back on my class last evening,….after class one of my students, John, presented me with a lovely gift, a book ( Triathelets training bible ), I was so surprised, “wow, thanks” I said to him, I was really surprised! John and I will be trading services, yoga for swim lessons….John offered to help me with my swimming and he desperately wants to deepen his yoga practice so it was a offer made in heaven (I love a good barter). I began thinking about Pablo & John and how without hesitation both have been extremely supportive to me as I take on this adventure of mine. It‘s such a nice feeling this day and age to have people reach out to help a sista’ out.....I‘m so new at this tri-training and here are two wonderful men who obviously see that I‘m dedicated to the process and really want to offer their help……And as we know nothing in life is free (and you don‘t want it if it is ), but we have found alternate ways around helping each other out, Pablo and I have many things in the works, and you will defiantly be hearing more about him and his services from me (look for him in my upcoming newsletter), as I believe he is someone you should know…and I‘m excited to be the teacher that helps John deepen his yoga practice, yes, that‘s what is about helping each other out in any small way you can.…….. I know I should be getting up by now but this steam feels great and my skin happens to love the steam room…….I have eczema ( goggle it!) and as a child it was my worst enemy I spent the majority of my life on creams and ointments for my skin (all steroid laden ), and about seven years ago I decided to give up all the prescribed meds and treat my eczema naturally…..Best thing I’ve ever done, my skin tone is evened out and I’m not putting those toxins in my body…….the steam brings the moisture to my skin that it lacks and when I’m out of the sauna I immediately put pure olive oil on my damp skin to lock in some moisture……Yes, I love steam baths! After the steam bath I make my way to the showers and wash off all the toxins that have been eliminated from within , such a cleansing experience.

I’m heading home and my creative energy is off the chain ( been this way since I started training ) I have so much in store for YOGATONES that I’m smiling within the entire way home…….I have a huge bowl of oatmeal when I get home loaded with dried fruit and raw honey….YUM…..and a hot cup of raw honey and lemon tea. I collected my thoughts and call my friend Glenn (someone else you should know) founder of 220 communications ( look for him in my upcoming newsletter), and began rattling off all these ideas in my head…..since my conversation with Glenn I’m feeling great and looking forward to all that is to come……..I decide to write in my journal a bit and then write this blog…..as I logged onto my facebook page there is a note for one of my BFF’s Joycelyn, she is a entrepreneur and last night we had a long conversation about life, business, getting and staying motivated as well as some good old girl friend conversation. Well I read her post on my page and my heart lit up, as she expressed her appreciation for our conversation and how it left her motivated!!

My point......to help others out is what people should be doing, yes of course money and services may need to be exchanged and I’m a firm believer they should….But we must be willing to help each other……like, paying it forward…..I like that I surround myself around and attract energies of good people and I’m happy to know that my bff was inspired by my words and it’s no doubt in my mind that she will in turn inspire others!

Let’s get back to people helping people…..It’s that love that makes the world go around!


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