Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tri Stories: Sweet day for a bike ride……

Ahhhh, nature & me....
 Tri Stories: Sweet day for a bike ride…

Another picture perfect day in Chi-City! After meditation & a bit of yoga I headed out deciding to get a bike ride in on the lake......Enroute to the lake, I had to maneuver through the downtown traffic as the 9-5 workday was beginning for many…….I’m sooooooo happy I’m not a 9-5er my brain can’t handle that, even as a bedside nurse I choose to work over nights three day’s a week instead of day shift, I dunno something about that energy leaves me scattered…….I really enjoy the freedom of my teaching and nursing schedule, I do a bit of school nursing at times which allows me to continue to work with the population I love KIDS!!


I hit the lake and I’m GONE!! Let me say I LOVE my spin shoes, I was peddling at full speed on the open lake front, I laugh because the *real bikers* with those super expensive road bikes always give me a second look as I whizzz by with my red milk crate attached to the back of my bike, lol…..today I heard a dude say “wow” as I speed by…….I LIKE THAT! Don’t let my Sunday afternoon rider look fool ya, I GO HARD when I ride for miles……just call me versatile!! I covered 13 miles in a total of 80 minutes which is still slow for me, but hey I’m just getting’ started this season so, I was cool with the time. Heading south was easy as the wind was coming off the lake, it was the return ride heading north that slowed me down, the winds shifted NE so I had to fight some serious head winds……….I absolutely enjoy bike riding, nothing better for me cardio wise……and now with my spin shoes, oh, I’m gonna have fun this summer!!

My spin shoes

Arriving at the gym after my ride I could feel my quadriceps screaming!! The brick yesterday and the mileage today left my legs begging for a nice stretch, I head into the locker room change into my swim suit then off to the pool I go. Initially the plan was to practice building my kick strength but after two laps my legs were like *Com’on Tone!!*, oops, I decide to listen, cause I was beginning to ego trip, and kick through the request for a leg rest……..instead I honor the request of my lower body knowing I still had a bit of commute riding to do. I treat my legs to some lovely water stretches, then I move into upper body, practicing my strokes. I started off with my swim gloves, which I’ve decided I like as starter, but I can easily see myself becoming dependant on them and that’s not what I want……..so, I use them for four laps to build up some strength, then I loose the gloves and swim without them. Immediately, I could feel the difference, only today it was a good difference, I was taking each stroke with good reach and pull, feeling much lighter than with the gloves. I did use the pool boy for the second round of four laps without the gloves, then the last four laps I swam without ANYTHING! Yayyyy!!! I was able to swim 2.5 laps without stopping, not bad, but at this stage of the game, I gotta step that up…..It’s JUNE!!! I mean its cool and all but, I’m not gonna be able to stop like that in lake Michigan. I’m working towards letting go of these high demands I put on myself in regards to swimming, like today I really just jumped in y plan and actually enjoyed the results……left me feeling good afterwards instead of defeated, so I’m gonna stick with that just do it energy, ya know…..go in with a plan, follow the plan, then let it go, it’s crunch time and I don’t wanna stand in my own way!! That being said I’ll be back in the pool on Friday, no idea what I’m going to work on……I’ll let my entire self mind, body, and spirit make that decision on Friday.

Lake front bike path...heading south

I have some other cool things to share but I’m super tired, all this training in the sun is EXTREMELY EXHAUSTING! Sleep for me is like water at this point, I gotta get in as much as I can, so the body can operate on proper rest. RESPECT the body & in turn the body will RESPECT you!! Sooooooo G’Nite……Zzzzzzzzzz

Peace, Love & Clear skies....

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