Monday, May 30, 2011

Tri Stories: SUN, SUN, SUN, Here It Comes!!

Tri Stories: SUN, SUN, SUN, Here It Comes!!

Free toes!! = SUMMER!

Such a BEAUTIFUL day here in Chi-city!!! The weather was PurrrrrFECT! Temps in the high 80’s sunny, nice breeze……Uuuhhhhaaaaa, FINALLY, my gosh this has been a long time coming, I think me and every other Chi-city resident was ready to get out in it today!! I refused to step foot in a gym today, I actually had the entire day off……..I was up early, well late early 09:30, that’s considered a sleep in for me…….Anywhoo, I sit for meditation and personal practice, take care of a few other home task, sunscreen myself up, then I’m OUT!!


I stepped outside and a HUGE smile came across my face…..SUNSHINE!! Oh, sunshine how bad I need you, I thought as I entered the bike room…..I make a quick stop at the bike shop to air up my tires ( I had a bike pump, but someone STOLE it from me, out of the bike room….ugghh), then I’m ready to ride! I peddle around the city for a bit then head down to the lake….even though I wanted to chill out I knew I needed to get my training in for the day. Initially I was going to do a brick, but then decided on a decent bike ride, I rode 19 miles today!! It was LOVELY, the winds were gusting about 20-25 mph from the south, so I head south first (I like to get the wind out of the way first)……I must admit it took a minute to adjust to being off the spin bike and on my bike, the wind caught me off guard…….I pull it together quickly and enjoy the gusting winds……EVERYBODY was out today, I mean EVERYBODY!! I tell ya when the weather is right in Chi-city the energy is INSANE ! I LOVE IT! Nothing like summer in Chi-city…..NOTHING!! It’s one of the reasons I’ve stayed so long, lol, but really if you can make it through the Chicago winters, boy, oh boy,  are you in for a treat in the summer, nothing like it!!

Still Chillin'

I was a little annoyed with myself, I did a terrible job at packing my bag…….I was so siked about getting’ out in the sun that I left my spin shoes and I did not pack a snack……Uggghhhh!! I had to cut my ride short because of this…..On day’s like today I can taste the salt in my sweat, I was workin' it out on that bike, sweating hard and not having a snack or another beverage besides water to replenish my loss of salt I needed to cut my ride short so I didn’t get dehydrated and hit the ground……Gotta RESPECT the BODY!! I had plenty of water with me, and I usually carry almonds, and a sports drink. I packed my bag with my camera, a blanket, book, Nursing Spectrum & Chicago magazine as well as water, towel and sunscreen……I guess I was more focused on chillin’…..Lol….oh, well! I relaxed took in some ray’s dozed off, read a bit, talked with strangers, let my toes breathe, and my soul relax…..Lol……..JUST CHILLED!!

Today was absolutely PurrrrFECT!! I really needed the sun, the outdoor bike ride, and the head time!! I feel refreshed…..I’m gonna swim tomorrow and go for another outdoor ride in the am followed up by a run in the evening……..Gosh, I hope this weather is here to stay, I’m ready for SUMMER!!

Peace, Love & Chillin'



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