Monday, May 9, 2011

Tri Stories Spinnin’ with Pablo…..

My Ride....
 Tri Stories Spinnin’ with Pablo…..

FABULOUS warm sunshiny day here in Chi-city!! So, nice to get up and ride my bike to my 07:00 am class in stead of taking CTA….so nice!!

I was up @ 06:00.…..I get to sleep in that extra 30 min when I ride my bike! I arrive to teach my class and walked into a room full of testosterone….Lol, seriously the DUDES came out for my AM yoga class….NICE…..My reg student David had my mat set up, thanks David! I razz him a bit about his swimming comments last week and tell him I mentioned him in my blog, we both laugh, then one of my regular female students walks in and say’s “WHOOAH, the men came out for yoga today”, “right” I add, we all laugh a bit then we get into it…..Such a wonderful way to start the day laughing yogis & sunshine, & positive testosterone….Lol…..I knew right then today was gonna be a good day!!

Laughter Good for the entire YOU!!
After class I sit for a beautiful meditation, then move into a lovely personal yoga practice……My entire body was so at peace & relaxed this morning, I felt light and airy, like I was floating…..It’s been a bit since I’ve felt this deep inner peace….YUM…..I’m gonna hold on to this. The plan was to spin after my personal practice, so I moved into a few asanas to honor my ride.....I wrap things up with a headstand that I stay in for 12 minutes…….SWEET! Coming out of savasana I was wearing a huge smile not only on my face but in my heart….There is absolutely noting better than a good meditation and a lovely yoga session, especially when the day begins with some good energy from my students……I LOVE IT!!

So as if the day could not get any better, I walk into spin class and I’m pleasantly surprised, JAMES is teaching!!! Yayyyy…….Gosh I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, his style, his peaceful energy and fantastic smile, it’s so soft and warm……Yea, ME THINKS no ME KNOWS I got a crush  on James…..LOL….I can’t help it, I love a peaceful man, one who's not afraid to show emotion wear a smile and speak from the heart....YUM.....such beautiful energy to be around…Just YUM! My second surprise, one of my locker room buddies Mimi came to class today, she spins on the reg with James and was siked that he was subbing for Heather, and my last surprise, in walks my bud PABLO!! Ok, this class is going to be on and poppin’ I think……Mimi hops on the bike in front of me and Pablo takes the bike next to me and James proceeds to KICK OUR BUTTS!! It's  ON from the moment the music starts....Ya see this is why I crush James, he’s all warm and peaceful & still brings it HARD in class……I mean we're spinning hard core spinning!! I loved having Pablo to my left because he goes all in, I found myself keeping up with his pace (inspiration)…..Pablo is what I call a SERIAL SPINNER….Lol.....He does not play around, he SPINS.....period…….We stand sit, stand sit, climb, sprint, James sequence was unlike any other spin class I’ve taken. The last song was a seated climb with heavy resistance, followed by 40 sec sprints and flat fast rides (I could be mixing this up). I glance over at Pablo and say I’m riding off you right now, "'aight" he says and we GO! The last song ends Pablo & I FIST BUMP, then I take a look down and see that between the two of us, we’ve created pools of sweat…..YEAH, that’s what I’m talkin' ‘bout!!! AWESOME ride.......James, again left FREE CD’s of his spin play list for students to take (so sweet), I now have new running music, I was diggin’ his play list…...I say to James after class, “I’m gonna need you to teach more during the day” His warm smile allows those pearly whites to flash, as he let's out a hearty laugh…..SWOON!!

Final touch on a GREAT day, I walk into my evening class all my regular yogis are there! Wearing big ol’ smiles, I could feel the positive energy in the room…..Awwwww, “let’s go yogis“, I say, as I promise to go easy, I’d put together this sequence that included lot’s & lot’s of twist!! Let’s get in that body and massage those internal organs, letting go and releasing toxins that may have been ingested over the weekend…..time to RELEASE, REVIVE, & REJUVENATE, the MIND, BODY & SOUL!! Such a FAB day filled with positive energy from some really beautiful peeps.......Thanks Y'all!!

Peace, Love & Beautiful People


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Solid Spin class!!!!!