Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tri Stories: Friends

Friends around the world is a blessing!

Tri Stories: Friends

The sun finally came out today in Chi-city….Yayyyy!!! Sunshine can do so much for ones spirit and general well being, instead of dragging myself out of bed this morning I jumped up with a pep in my step ready to start my day…….After my meditation and yoga practice, which consisted of many, many twisting asanas some core work and my inversion for the day forearm balance (Pincha Mayurasana)………I head out to get my spin on….initially the plan was to ride my bike to the studio, but the temps were in the 30’s and that’s just a little to chilly for me to be peddling, sun or no sun…..Lol. So DA BUS it is!! This was the smoothest ride on DA BUS that I’ve had in a while, usually there is someone cutting’ up, like one ride where a young lady sitting way in the back on her cell phone began cussin’ up a storm, she failed a test for a security job (TMI) by one point…..She was upset that the company denied her the job because of one point, she used many choice words to express her anger…..the thing that trouble me, she was oblivious to the fact that test are given for a reason and she failed, it’s not the company’s fault, she went on and on cussing & yelling into her phone so loud, that some old dude in the middle of the bus stood up and yelled back to her “talk a little louder, they can’t hear you up front”……Lol…..I’m gonna stop there, but trust me when I tell you this was a LIVE Jerry Springer moment, she lit into him with so much anger……sad to watch a beautiful young woman act in such a self degrading way, mad at the world because SHE failed a test.

Laughter with friend good medicine!

I drifted into a light meditation on the ride……..Once in the gym I run into Julie the spin teacher, we chat for a min,  then I change into my spin gear &  head into the spin room. The class was full today and the energy level was high, I tell you, in Chi-city when the sun shines it shines on the PEOPLE!! Lot’s of smiling faces, hello’s and good buy’s, restaurants pulling out their outdoor seating and bikers every where!! Julie had a fun intense ride, meant to burn fat for sure…….I was all in it, me and my spin shoes getting it in, running, jumping sprinting, my body really craved this class, as I missed Tuesday’s class. No one answered music trivia today, I think we all were riding to hard to focus on the song…Lol. I’d say there were 22 spinners in class, lot’s of familiar faces, I like familiar faces it creates a sense of community, and team as we ride, also people chat up with each other before and after class, I think that’s a sign of a good teacher, and Julie is an AWESOME teacher. One of the spinners baked chocolate chip cookies for the class and Julie brought in dark chocolate covered matzah for all as well…..NICE….I mean who goes to spin and receive such treats!! I worked it out in that class this morning, as we moved into our cool down I was feeling strong and happy!!

Everyone can use a HUG!

Lately I’ve been so work focused that friend time was well overdue, I was in need of  time to catch up with my friends……Last night I emailed a dear friend of mine and was delighted to receive a long loving response,  this afternoon/evening I had a nice Indian meal with another friend that I love dearly, we sat there  just enjoying each other, catching up laughing, inspiring, loving, hugging…..just what we both needed, after parting with him I felt so lifted and inspired, I don’t share much of my personal self with people, only those I really love & trust so to be in the company of my friend today I felt at peace, I needed that friend time, to just be. I also talked to my BESTIE from Connecticut this evening more laughin', inspiring, and loving just, about two hours later we hang up…..I sit for a while and think about these three friends of mine…..they know me, they love me, and they support me, my feelings are mutual for each one of them!!! Tomorrow evening I’m having dinner with another dear friend, it’s been way to long and we need to hug, laugh, love and hey maybe drop a few tears….Lol….who knows……What I do know is, I LOVE them all and I’m truly blessed to have them in my life, something I don’t take for granted…..They inspire me and I inspire them, mutual love and respect…..My non blood family…..but my FAMILY nonetheless!!

Gotta get to bed, I have a long day tomorrow two classes to teach, a personal practice, run and swim, then……we’re going to Karyn’s for dinner….YUM!!


Peace, Love & Friendship....Y'all

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