Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tri Stories: Runnin’ in the city….

Chi-city at Sun set
(I took ALL of these Pictures)
Tri Stories: Runnin’ in the city….

I think, I really think, Spring has finally arrived in Chi-city…..well in typical Chi-city fashion we skip spring and get right into Summer….Lol….Seriously it was 90 degrees here today!! I start my day with meditation and sun salutations, then I'm off on my bike to the gym ready to get my training in for the day……on tap a spin class followed by a swim, I actually like riding my bike to spin class it get’s the legs warmed up, I’m still not riding the streets with my spin shoes......still a bit nervous about stopping and un-clipping from my peddles in time……hopefully the weather will stay nice and I can get out on a trail or down to the lake this weekend and practice…..

Joffery Ballet

Chicago Theater

Oriental Theater
Solid uneventful spin today, I worked up a nice sweat and felt strong during the entire ride, class was pretty full which is nice considering how beautiful it was outside…..I think if you’re a spinner you need to get that spin fix, because it really can’t compare to outdoor riding, I mean both are great but in very different ways……I’ll continue to spin during the summer…….After my spin class I head off to change into my swim suit……I hit the pool with crazy attachment to my swim today…..NOT GOOD…….I could feel the attachment as soon as I got in, I take a few laps attached, which showed in my poor form, strokes and breathing……“Let it go Tone” I gently say to myself. “let it go”……after a rough start I began to let go and swim, I used the pool boy for the majority of time, but I was also able to get three full laps in without  the pool boy…Yayyy…..I did ok, I mean I stopped mid way the first lap, because I was so full of anxiety that I could not coordinate my transition into breast strokes, so I just came to a stop....I have another gentle conversation with myself, “make peace with this water T”, I say that again as I head out for my second lap without pool boy….Much better!! I was pretty stoked that I swam without pool boy for three laps, three meh laps but three laps nonetheless!! Fifty minutes later I’m hopping out of the pool feel good, not ecstatic, but good about today’s swim……..Sitting in the steam bath I decide I wanted to go for a run outside, I mean this weather was to nice to stay inside, so I figure I’ll eat, work, nap then run…..yea, that sounds like a good plan I say within’ as I release all other thoughts and enjoy the warm steam and eucalyptus that have taken over my entire body……good plan indeed as I drift into a light sleep……

Lake Front
I teach a evening class near the lake on Tuesday’s, so I decide to run to and from my class, I check to see what the mileage from my place to the class, it was 2 miles each way…..perfect I think, I leave my place with more than enough time to spare……my plan was to get there early enough so I could towel down freshen up & stretch a bit before teaching. I have this really small & light weight back pack that I put my ID, keys, phone, water bottle, towel and a light shirt in…..I toss it on and I’m out!

Palace Theater
Let me back track a bit…..When I moved to Chicago in 2003, I was training for the marathon, I was such a mental, physical & emotional wreck, I would drive my SUV down to the lake, which was less than a mile park and run…..Crazy right?!? Back then I had so much chatter going on in my mind, I was pushing the scale just under 200 lbs (though most would never know, I tend to carry weight well ), and chain smoking. The neighbor hood I lived in was active I mean runners, bikers, walkers….ya know all good lookin’ healthy people…..I felt soooooo out of place, and the thought of me running in my hood was completely out of the question! Not because I cared what others thought about me…..I’d let go of that as a child, I learned back then someone will always have something to say about you….who cares! It was more what I thought about myself…..I had a very bad perception of myself, I would picture ALL of ME running and would get a bit sick to my stomach, I never showed my dislike for myself to others…..well, so I thought…..but as I know now, it was not necessary for me to say out loud that I did not love myself, it showed loud and clear in my attitude not only with myself but with others, it showed in my constant need to be in control of EVERYTHING, I mean if I didn’t run the ship then I was not going to be on the ship…..PERIOD! Now, just to be clear I LOVE being a leader, but it’s not a necessity anymore, now I can be a awesome co-leader!! At that time in my life I was really beginning to practice & study yoga & meditation  more,  I know without a doubt that my relationship with YOGA & MEDITATION began to help me change my life…..Love & respect myself in a way that I never really had done before…….And as I began to love myself the need to control other people and situations began to melt away…..just like that!!

Under the L
So as I hit the pavement today, my thoughts flashed back to 2003, as I was running through busy rush hour traffic, people huslin’ and bustlin’ to get home……running to the train, bus, L…..hailing a cab, riding bikes and other runners heading wherever they were heading……..a smile entered my heart, I felt the growth that had taken place in me, I mean I would NEVER run in all this madness back then……It felt good! I encountered smiles from males and females some giving me the *you go girl look* while others clearly letting’ me know they like what they see as their necks snapped to get another look……Hahahaha..….Lol……I WAS LOVIN’ IT ALL!! But besides all that I felt AMAZING, strong and confidant in who I’d become, for many this is no big deal, for me it was such a big deal…….GROWTH! I was running at a easy pace jamming’ to my music an sweatin’ up a storm………I ran faster than I expected (getting to my destination too early ) so I kept running down to the lake adding in another .5 miles…..YEAH!! I make it to class with enough time to freshen up & stretch……..After class I hit the pavement, by now the sun has set and there is a nice breeze flowing through the city, mixing up the smell of blossomed flowers, & different foods…..I hit a zone and run towards home, as I approached my building I realized I was not tired, so I kept running to the grocery store to grab some items for dinner, adding another .5 miles to my run!! I felt so GOOD as I entered the air conditioned store dripping sweat, and HUNGRY as all get up!! I walked the aisles wearing my dripping sweat with pride…..I’m a regular in this particular store, and it felt great  when one of my favorite cashiers says “wow, looks like you got a good work out in tonight”......tee-hee.....“yea, I did” I say, my heart and face smiling so bright!!! I walk home from the grocery store chugging on my Gatorade thinking I ran 5 miles, I began  CHEEZING REAL HARD!!!


Peace, Love & Runnin' in the city....


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