Monday, May 2, 2011

Tri Stories: 4 Months Down…..4 To Go!!

 Tri Stories: 4 Months Down…..4 To Go!!

WOW!!! I’m at the half way point…..Honestly the time is flying by, I can’t believe in 4 months I’ll be participating in the Chicago Triathlon. I think back to December when I first began this journey and how far away August seemed, now….well, it feels oh, so close! Boy, oh boy have I grown…….I’ve been training with such awareness to the process of training, not allowing myself to get attached to any part of the journey, just living it day, by day....along the way I’ve learned and will continue to learn so much about myself, the things I share with all and the things I keep for myself…..let me just say, I’m THRILLED that I decided to let go of my fears of the training process, the what if’s & I can’t, instead just taking the bull by the horn DOING IT has provided me with strength in all other aspects of my life.

My mental, physical & spiritual transformation has been….well…’s been UNBELIEVABLE!! Especially the mental, I’ve accomplished things that I knew I could, but have held back on, my sense of peace within’ has taken me far on & off my yoga mat with myself &  others…….The physical part has been a bit overwhelming, not in a negative way, just overwhelming as that’s what others notice and that’s what I receive positive feedback on……I’ve said this from the beginning the weight loss is like the big red bow on this beautiful gift I’m giving myself! I only realize how much my physical appearance has changed when folks comment, I mean of course I notice my clothes fit different & that I’m trimming down, but not to the degree of what others notice……..I’m more focused on my internal growth, being a better me from the inside out, with intentions of inspiring others to live their best lives…..follow their dreams…..reach for the stars!! Nothing is easy….but if you put your heart felt intention into what you love and believe in…..well, it will all start to come together. At least that’s what I’m experiencing, of course there are things I wish would happen a bit quicker in all aspects of my life….but, what I’m learning is there is a process for everything, and if you live with the energy of rushing things to play out, well you get PLAYED OUT RESULTS!! I pray and meditate DAILY, I follow up my prayer and meditation with action!! Actions lead by peace, love and balance within…..this works……this works very well for ME! I dunno, I don’t wanna get all mushy, but I can honestly say I’M VERY PROUD OF MYSELF! In all aspects of my life…..and trust me when I tell you I have a LONG way to go on MANY things, things way beyond this training…..but the difference now from a year ago…..I’m 100% patient with how and when things happen, I mean chances are things will not play out the way I envision in my head, and ya know what that’s OK, I like livin' in the moment letting the dream come to life the way it’s supposed to………

Anywhoo!! Today I did a brick (Spin & Run)…….After teaching my 07:00am class I move into a lovely meditation followed by my personal yoga practice, I’m back on my bike as means of transportation so I move through my practice with that in mind…..Lot’s and Lot’s of hip, hamstrings, quadriceps as well as core work…..After my practice I change into my spin gear and hit up Heathers class…..NICE, to see Heather! She took us on a continuous high pace, intense ride, “recovery when you want” she say’s at the beginning of class, informing us we'll only have one, two minute recovery break,  mid ride!! OK! Let’s go HEATHER I say to myself, and we ride!! The class was pretty full I think 16 spinners, everyone was huffin’’ and puffin’ but we all hung in there!! After spin, I hit the treadmill for a 45 minute run, and I ran the last five minutes at a new pace (I’ll share at a later date), May is the month I’m going to work on obtaining a new pace from my 12:00 min/mile, remembering my tri goal is to run a 11:00 min/mile……I was feeling really, really good during and after my run, but I didn’t want to push it longer than 45 min, as I still needed to peddle home and to my other classes today…..RESPECT THE BODY…….

FINALLY, tomorrow I’m back in the pool!!! Yayyyy!!! I’m going to swim before spin…..I must say if there is any part of this tri that has me, ummm, a bit nervous, it’s this swim….humm, I’m going to work on this, swimming will defiantly be my strong focus from here till tri time!! Well....So the photos on this blog were taken today, I’m at my four month mark and I’ve lost 18 lbs…..Yea, I’m feelin’ AMAZING!!

Peace, Love & MUCH RESPECT for The
President Of United States
Barack Obama

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