Monday, April 25, 2011

Tri Stories: Pool closed…..

Chaturanga dandasana

Tri Stories: Pool closed…..

YUP………I love surprises as long as they don’t interfere with my plans…..Lol….After a relaxing & reflecting Sunday, I was more than ready to get it in today….up at 0550 and teaching my first class at 0700, my energy was flowing, not high or low just a nice flow of energy within…….I packed my bag for a run & swim, because of the not so good luck I’ve been having with spin lately, coupled with  the fact  that I was not sure if Heather would be teaching or if I’d encounter another sub, I decided to skip it all together…..


At 0810 I sit for a BEAUTIFUL meditation, I really can’t imagine not taking time out daily for meditation, I need it to ground and let go, also to keep me mindfully aware of the universe and all the positive and negative energies that I will become exposed to within’ 24 hours, allowing me to accept whatever comes my way……..I let go and when I come out the clock reads 0905 am……NICE…….I feel at complete peace as I move into a 90 minute personal practice, when I let go of stuff, my entire body responds, which I notice immediately as I move in and out of my asana practice, this particular sequence was not planned just one of those day’s where I let the body move into what it needed, I prefer to practice this way. Starting with breath work, followed by isolated core work, a few sun salutations leading me into holding asanas to build strength, inner and outer strength….some of the asanas includes today Warrior I, Triangle, Warrior III, forearm balance, Chaturanga dandasana, Navasana, Prasarita Padottanasa, Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana, Setu bandha Sarvangasana, and a few others…….YUM! Such a lovely practice this morning!!

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

I change into my running gear and hit the treadmill, still holding down my new pace 12:00 min per mile!! Wooot, wooot!! Yesss Sirrrrr, I’ve been holding this pace down since late March and, well I GOT THIS!! I run with ease, I can’t remember the last time my knees were even a bit tweeky!! Since my new spin shoes and increase in running my knees have been lovin’ me…….I usually NEVER watch TV at the gym, but I did plug in for the last 15 min of Oprah’s show this morning……What can I say I LOVE Oprah, I still walk or peddle by her studio daily and say “hey Op, Yogatones here, call me” Lol….It may not happen in Chi-city, but one day I’ll be on one of her OWN network programs…..TRUST ME ON THIS ONE!! I plug back into my music once the show is over and finish up my run, 65 minutes later I’m ready to hit the pool to get my swim on!!

Prasarita Padottanasa
What, the What!?! POOL CLOSED…..POOL CLOSED…..Awwww MAN! Arrrrggghhh!! I flag down one of the pool guy’s I know and inquire about the pool closure…..YUP sure nuff, POOL CLOSED till……Breathe…..inhale….exhale….MAY 2, 2011.….NAWWWWW, come on now! I find out it’s Annual Pool cleaning time….All I could do was bust out laughing…..well, at least I know the pool will be extra clean next Tuesday, I take a peek in & see this HUGE piece of machinery, that I imagine will be used to clean the pool out…..I’ll inquire a bit more as the week goes on……OK, so now I need to rework my whole training schedule this week…..I’ll get my swim time in Thursday & Friday at one of the other clubs, no fuss, no worries, change in routine is good!! Sometimes it’s needed. I decide to head back into the yoga studio and get in some strength work, and a good stretch post run……then I’m off to the locker room to change for a steam bath, I chat for a few with some of my locker buddies and keep it movin'.......20 minuets later I hit the shower……the pool closing was actually a blessing as I’m working on a few things that need my creative attention.

Warrior III
There is such a mental process when I need to create….first I visualize, then I put it together in my head, play it over and over for a few day’s,  last stage is brining it to life either on paper or in physical demonstration....with these particular projects I need to put it all on paper, which always take me a little longer as I’m a head person……A head person who is becoming more and more ok with actual written production, I’m not a big fan but hey, like I said change is good, as it promotes GROWTH and I’m ALWAYS down for GROWTH…..that’s what it’s all about….I work at home from 1-4:00 pm, followed by a nap before my last class…..Tonight’s class was SWEET, lots and lots of ying yang energy showed up this evening, I LOVE THAT!! I absorbed all the energies I receive from my students, my intention is to give EACH student what they came for……Yeah, that's what  happened this eve, this class was mixed level with experience from  a 7 month pregnant woman (a regular of mine) to the mix of all ages  male and female energies floating around…..YUM! I LOVE mixed level classes, it challenges each student to really be one with themselves on their mats while honoring their individual bodies needs and desires…….This class was on FIYYAAA! You could feel it in the room…..Oh, so DELICIOUS!     I FLOAT home.....

Peace, Love & Yoga Y'all.....


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