Friday, March 11, 2011

Tri Stories: Long Day....

 Tri Stories: Long Day....

It's a wrap....

I’m writing something today because I made the self commitment to blog……..Today I left home at 06:25 moving  non stop, until I put the key in the door @ 7:30 pm!  Training today I ran 60min it was a BEAUTIFUL run, swim 45 min EXCELLENT, personal yoga practice 60 minutes MUCH NEEDED…..taught two classes… tub & steam bath……..This has been one of those days……..I just wanna chill, process, meditate and let go.......Ya know have a good old cleansing cry and go to sleep!! This day has been emotionally DRAINING!! My training is the brightest point of today, well that and knowing that I’ve helped someone and never knew that’s what I was doing, until TODAY when that person tracked me down (literally) just to talk and share the life altering events that have taken place with them……..Learn to LISTEN to others, you NEVER know what impact simple listening, and a HUG can have on someone……..It may change their life!!! Sigh........

Peace & Blessing to ALL in Japan and everywhere else in the world…….I’m DONE, put a fork in me tonight!!! Call that person who’s been on your mind or in your heart! A few minutes of your time can mean a lifetime to another……..
Peace, Love & Hugs



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