I leave that practice, feeling good and ready to get it on, in spin class!! I change up real quick, and sit in peace for 15 minutes before I transition into this high cardio class……I LIKE THAT! LET"S DO THIS, I say to myself as I hop on the bike...... I love when the class is full like this, it brings a different type of energy, like were team riding. We all join in as DeWitt begins his sequence, and I knew it was going to be ON and POPPIN from there!! We moved through hills, climbs, runs, jumps and sprints…..These spin classes seem to fly by in time, but trust me when time is up, you’re UP!! Lol….I needed, this class sweat was dripping everywhere it felt so appropriate after the stuff I let go of on my yoga mat, the natural cleansing process of ourselves…….YOGA & SPIN lovely combination……Let it go on the mat and wash it away on the bike!! LOVESIT!!!
Today I was up and movin’ I’m telling you the bright sunshine awaiting me when I awake is enough inspiration to get me up and out of bed with a quickness!! I packed my bag last night so all I needed to do was grab and go…..After teaching my 07:00 class I move in to my personal practice. Today I moved with the intention “I’m going to practice some of my favorite asanas” and that’s exactly what I did, my shoulders were a bit tweeky so I began with some shoulder work on the mat after grounding, opening up tightness in the chest, shoulders and arms, my body was craving triangle pose variations (Trikonasana), I honor that and my body responded with pops and releases along my spine…..ahhh….Good morning!! I also add in some work to keep my hamstrings, lower back and groins happy……wide leg forward folds (uttanasana) pigeon pose variations (eka pada), Baddha Konasana), plow pose (halasana) and my inversion today, head stand (Sirshaasana ), followed by a sweet savasana…….NICE!!
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I wanna soak up the SUN!! |
Tri Stories: Sun, sun, sun.....here it comes!!
Wow such a beautiful SUN SHINEY weekend we had here in CHI-City!! I got a lot accomplished this weekend, my Saturday training was GREAT! Just what I needed, about mid week I was feeling a bit too relaxed in my training, I needed a kick butt session.......After teaching my am classes Saturday, I head off to Mary’s yoga class……I’d been a bit tight in my outer right hip a and lower back and this practice was exactly what my body needed. I was feeling super strong, but really tight, my awareness allowed me to use my breath and open up some of that tightness, lengthen things out a bit!! YUP, I needed that…….One thing I’ve noticed, all this running is really affecting my hamstrings, and groin muscles…..I’m usually super lengthened in my hamstrings, but with this running I must stay on top of my lengthening asanas to keep the hams, knees & inner groins happy!! I move through the entire series grounded with my breath and moving from within, I know that’s what allowed me to move into full tortoise ( Kurmasana ) asana! Saturday’s practice came with many great releases, and yes, I was feeling the space being created as I deepened my practice. Moving into full tortoise was just the beginning, I also let go of the fear of *drop backs and stand ups* from Wheel pose (Chakra Asana), Yayyyyy!! I’ve been working on this one off and on for YEARS! At one time it was regularly in my personal practice sequence, not sure why I stopped including it, now I’d once again developed a fear of dropping back and coming up ( support or not). Every week Mary will ask if I want to come up, and every week I say NO….Lol…… Mary’s teaching style reminds me of myself, so I knew my day’s were numbered with her allowing me to keep saying NO, Lol…..Saturday was the day….Mary says “ you wanna come up” me “NO” Mary laughs and says “I know your ready, so why you holdin’ on”, another regular student (and teacher) chimes in “yea, you’re more than ready, just let go”, I lay there for a moment or so, I know I’m ready as well, Ugghh, “OK, I wanna come up” I say, Mary comes over and I move to standing from wheel, then I drop back down into it….YUM!!!! “Oh, my gosh“, I think to myself, I can’t believe I held onto fear that long, denying myself the pure joy and beauty of this HEART OPENING asana!! I was feeling the rush and release was over me as I dropped back into the back bend, and as I stood up I felt strong and confidant in myself for letting go of the fear……YUM!!!

Oh, the BEST part about Saturday…….I got my SPIN SHOES and PEDDLES for my bike!! Yayyyyy!! I can’t wait to ride with them (I get the peddles put on tomorrow!), I noticed the last time I was on my bike and rode 15 miles my knees were not liking me to much, and as I train for the triathlon, I don’t want to intentionally create injuries. After riding the past few months indoors on the spin bikes, I notice a significant difference on being locked in versus not and aHUGE difference on the knees, I look at this purchase as a health benefit, you know like most people fill there prescriptions, well I take preventative measures so I can prolong the need of medications and surgeries……Taking care of my mind, body, and spirit, before I hand it off for someone else to take care of....Ya know…….FAB day on Saturday!!

From my mat I head out to the treadmill to get my run in, I started the run with a bit of Uggh, yup, sure did, but then I let it go and kept it movin’, Lol…….I’m really lovin’ this new pace I’m running at, I’m able to hold it down for 60 min, and today as I was finishing up, I noticed I didn’t feel as depleted as last week…..PROGRESS!! It’s time for a new runnin’ mix….geesh, I get tired of the same music quick……I’ll work on that this week. I’m pretty excited about my mileage, pace and endurance on my runs, OH YES I AM!! I’m thininking it’s time to add another running day, 'cause the truth is, I gotta take this running to the streets SOON....and....Ummmm, yea…..I'm not all excited about it....…Baby steps, is what I keep telling myself, so I’m gonna enjoy these moments and embrace what’s ahead as it arrives!!
Swim up next! I was looking forward to being back in the water, I didn't swim at all last week!!!! I jump in and get a few laps of kicks done, then I decided to work exclusively on my back strokes, because, I don’t want any surprises out there on Lake Michigan! No Sirrrr...... I have a feeling being in the water with sooooo many people is going to freak me out for a sec or two, so momma need a snap out of it plan, and back stroking allows me to look upwards in stead of becoming fixed on all the bodies around me.....overloading me with energy.......Nawww.......imalwaysthinkin’…..I backstroked lovely today, it took me a lap or two to connect my breathing with the flow and kick, but once I did, I felt peace within take over, the water temp was just right, my kicks were strong no attachment to mind chatter, I was lost in the sounds of the pool…..Yea, this may be the way to go. Oh, I only chilled with pool boy ONCE today!! YEA! Our relationship is slowly coming to a end, I’m sad to see pool boy go, but better now than later…Lol…..SEE YA POOL BOY! Lol….This 60 minute swim today left me feeling completely balanced, I headed into the steam bath and VEGGE OUT!! Great training today, I have a bit more work to get taken care of this week, and today's training was a perfect way to start the work week!!
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Peace Y'all....... |
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