Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tri-Stories: Whoa!

Tri-Stories: Whoa!

Happy Biker

Whoa! Ok, so I did it but not sure if I’ll do it again!! I was up at 5:15 this morning ( not a good look ), at the gym and on the spin bike by 6:30 am, I did a brick today (bike & run)…….once I was on the bike all was good but getting there!! Well…..I realize, that I can’t ride my bike or take the bus there ( not that safe to be on the bike or on the bus that early ) so I decide to take a cab, with a almost finished green apple in one hand and my gym bag in the other I head out…..There are cabs waiting for me when I walk outside. The problem is these cab drivers really get annoyed when you attempt to pay with a debit card (even though it’s required they accept them), so I decide to walk to a secure ATM (inside a nearby building with security)…..All is going well until I exit the bank and slam my entire body into a steel beam, um, OUCH!! (too early for this) I really felt like I was going down for the count…but I shook it off as my chest and right arm began throbbing, I hailed a cab with my left hand…….I arrive at the gym with three minutes to spare….During the class my arm is calling my name but I zone it out and peddle……This class was ok, slow start but very nice finish and I worked my heart rate up nicely and was feeling energized for my run.

I’m feeling pumped as I hop on the treadmill, pop in my earphones and crank up my Ipod…(I get a little gangsta when I run)….So as Little Wayne & Eminem began singing about how they’re gonna Drop The World, I pick up my pace and get into a nice rhythm, I sing throw air punches and pump, pump, pump it up! Oh, yea, I’m feeling good now… right arm was still a little tingly, but nothing I couldn’t handle. I caught my ego sneaking up on me as Kanye West began to belt out Stronger in my ear and I increased my speed…..but my right knee immediately asked what’s going on, so I backed down……I WILL NOT let my EGO train for this tri….I WILL NOT do it!


King pigeon variation with quad stretch

I began to look at my pace and decided that instead of rushing into increasing my distance I would focus on getting my time increased as I stay at my 3 miles ( build some endurance),,,,Lupe Fiasco sang Superstar and I was in a zone, I love music it has a great way of putting you in the trance you need to be in. I completed my three mile and was drenched and feeling that runners high ( I remember that feeling from my marathon training) ahhh…..melikes that feeling……..I did things in reverse today, so after my run I head into the yoga studio. Today I focused on my core and upper body, after a few sun salutations I moved into a nice shoulder stretch (to help out that right arm ) then I held plank pose for a few breaths ( several rounds )….and daily I add in pigeon pose to help with my knees, hamstrings, lower back (clearly this will be my staple asana ) as well as pigeon with the quadriceps stretch……I rounded it out with navasana (boat pose) along with holding plank pose I love this for core work…..After a nice savasana (final resting pose ) I make my way to the steam room…..Ahhhhhhhhh! 20 minutes later I hit the showers and shortly after that I’m heading out the door in search of FOOD!!


It is nice to be done with my training by 10:00 am but getting up at 5:00.….Arrrrggghhhh! I’m really going to try and embrace this, but it’s not easy. I keep learning some thing new about myself daily…..I don’t like early mornings, I love oatmeal (only if made correctly), and even a little gangsta rap to help push me through my runs (don’t judge me )…..all in all, so far so good! Thought I’d share my Ipod running play list (including the above mentioned);

-Bring Em Out- T.I

-Uptown Anthem-Naughty By Nature

-A Star is Born- Jay-Z/ J Cole

-So Fresh & So Clean-Outkast

-Flashing Lights-Kanye West

-The Choice is Yours-Black Sheep

-Back That Thang Up-Juvenile

-I Just Wanna Love U (Give it 2 Me) - Jay-Z

-We Fly High- Jim Jones

-Rosa Parks-Outkast

-U and Dat -E40 & T-pain

-Touch it (remix) Busta Rhymes)

-What you Know- T.I.

Yup, that’s how I run!! If you have any great running play list please email or inbox me on facebook……..I'm always in search of new tunes!

I’m going to try this early morning spin thing again next week! On Tap tomorrow running and yoga no spin Friday!!

Peace Y'all



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