Friday, May 13, 2011

Tri Stories: Blogger -> -> -> Wordpress !?!

Yes, that's me a couple yrs ago @ DOSAR.....
Community work, that's what's UP!!
Tri Stories: Blogger -> -> -> Wordpress !?!

Well after the EPIC FAIL of blogger this week, with no explanation!! I think it’s time I go dig up my word press site……Ughhhh…..seriously……Ughhhh…..I so don’t feel like figuring this out……I must admit I’m feeling a bit weary about my archived blogger blog post, I hope I can transfer them over to wordpress……thinking……thinking........still thinking......I’m sooo not going to worry about this right now, BUT SHAME, SHAME, SHAME, on you BLOGGER! And GOOGLE ……..OK, I’m done venting……I feel a change coming though.........I’m not big on playing catch up so, I’m gonna SHORT recap the past two training days, besides that I’m SUPER tired and need to be  up bright and early to report for my community volunteer duties!! I take my volunteer work serious, so a good nights sleep is needed......

Gonna make the switch!
Wordpress here I come!

My training has been a bit mixed up this week, and truth be told it’ll probably be mixed up for the next few weeks………I’m not complaining though, it’s nice to be out of routine, I’m always down for mixing things up a bit………..I’m still rollin’ with that high from runnin’ outside on Tuesday, I REALLY enjoyed it and dare I say……I’m looking forward to gettin’ back out there! Now if this weather would stabilize…..Grrrrr… was 80 degrees when I left home this morning, OK, 77.…and now it’s 48 degrees here in Chi-city! That’s just WRONG!! Lol…….Wednesday I had a lot going on and though it was my training day off, I wanted to get some cardio in so I hula hooped for 60 minutes. I tell ya there is really nothing like it to burn some calories in a very low impact way, my lower back was a bit tight and I find working with the hoop followed by a few spine lengthening asanas, leaves me feeling like a brand new woman, so after hooping I move into standing forward folds, traditional and wide leg variations, as well as table top pose and down dog……these are actuall asanas I practice daily, as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning I move into my forward folds.

EPIC FAIL! Booooo!

This time of the year is *Sub* time, everyone has something going on, so if you need a sub you better be a sub….Lol…it’s that simple and I need sub for a few up coming dates, soooo I’ve been subbing for a few teachers lately. I missed my Thursday morning spin with Julie (I subbed a class), BUMMER…..instead I ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill…….My runs have definitely become much more enjoyable, so I breezed through those miles without difficulty. Today as I hit the gym for training I decided to solo spin, I miss not spinning with Julie and I’m not going to spin tomorrow, well, I may try to hit up a late spin class at another location, just depends on how my volunteer day goes. I know for sure I’ll miss my Ashtanga class….not really happy about that, but there is no way I can squeeze it in. Anywhoo, my solo spin was GREAT!! Instead of hitting shuffle on a specific Ipod play list, I hit shuffle for ALL songs, and I was served up a nice selection of spinning tunes. I worked up quite a sweat, I pretty much copied James class from Monday, I enjoyed his sequence so much as it got the heart pumping and the legs movin’. After class I make my way into the yoga studio and move through a short sequence I’d put together topped off with a inversion!

I hit the pool after teaching my noon class…….Non eventful swim today, I started off with my kicks, then moved into my actual swim, oh, one awesome thing, I swam half of my laps with out the pool boy!!! Yayyyy……I was operating on low energy, but I hung in there and got my twelve laps in…..I also received some helpful feed back, ya see I tend to stay under water for six to eight breaths, which is NOT helping me out, it’s actually contributing to my fatigue, because when I come up for a breath I’m so hungry for it that I take in large amounts head back under and 8 breaths & next time up  I’m hungry for more…….I’m going to get up with one of the gym swim coaches to help me out with this……My swim coach John is MIA….Lol…..I feel mentally scattered right about now, so I’m going to wrap up here meditate and get a good nights sleep, as tomorrow is going to be a LONG day!!!

Peace, Love & Meditation....Try it, it's Non- Faith based & Good for
Ya Mind, Body & Spirit



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